I bought an as-is computer last week w\ a q6700, 6gb, 700w psu for $200. The guy said it wouldn't boot... i finally got around to messing w\ it yesterday. Pulled the cmos battery and it booted fine ^^
anyhow... it has this thing in the 5.25 bay and I had no idea what it was, it had a power plug and the front part had visiontek logo on it. anyhow, little resarch and i found out what it is :
dedicated psu for video cards... I had never seen this before. I just thought it was a pretty good idea for certain situation, one of them being Dell systems that come w\ highend specs except for the PSU and video card !
I looked on the completed items on ebay and best buy's outlet has been selling these for $30-40... Just thought it was a pretty cool idea for certain setups if completely replacing the psu might not be the answer.
anyhow... it has this thing in the 5.25 bay and I had no idea what it was, it had a power plug and the front part had visiontek logo on it. anyhow, little resarch and i found out what it is :
dedicated psu for video cards... I had never seen this before. I just thought it was a pretty good idea for certain situation, one of them being Dell systems that come w\ highend specs except for the PSU and video card !
I looked on the completed items on ebay and best buy's outlet has been selling these for $30-40... Just thought it was a pretty cool idea for certain setups if completely replacing the psu might not be the answer.