JMcEntegart Splendid Aug 25, 2007 8,445 0 30,780 May 11, 2013 #1 The hype machine is picking up speed. Vodafone Talks About the New Lumia (Before Nokia) : Read more
Aoyagi Distinguished Jul 24, 2010 98 0 18,640 May 11, 2013 #2 And again, they talk about being pretty instead of functions.
S sandsdawha Honorable May 11, 2013 1 0 10,510 May 11, 2013 #3 Even After the update you still cant put Static IP on it, which is useful specially for non dhcp networks.
Even After the update you still cant put Static IP on it, which is useful specially for non dhcp networks.
B Bloob Distinguished Feb 8, 2012 632 0 18,980 May 11, 2013 #4 Umm.. 928 is officially revealed, but afaik it's Verizon exclusive. Codenames Catwalk and EOS might be revealed on the 14th though.
Umm.. 928 is officially revealed, but afaik it's Verizon exclusive. Codenames Catwalk and EOS might be revealed on the 14th though.
ojas Distinguished Feb 25, 2011 2,924 0 20,810 May 11, 2013 #5 Lumia's are good phones, now if only MS can fix WP8
C code name Honorable May 11, 2013 1 0 10,510 May 11, 2013 #7 Lumia 928 $100 vs. IPhone 5 $200 & Samsung S-4 $250 with 2yr contract. Think about it?