VR 380 or GTX 960


Jan 3, 2016
I'm busting my brain trying to decided which card to get...the GTX 960 or R9 380. I've researched myself into a corner of confusion. Which would you suggest? Is getting the 4GB version of either worth it over the 2 GB? Which brand would you suggest? Any slightly detailed comparisons would be greatly appreciated.
You mean the R9 380.

The 380 is definitely the better choice here and it's the recommended card in this range. You want the 4GB model and the difference between 2 GB and 4 GB is huge in most games. You can expect at least a 10 FPS difference in games between the two especially on newer games.

The 960 just doesn't have enough raw power and they crippled the card's memory bandwidth. Even if it did have 4 GB it wouldn't be able to fully utilize it.

Early DX 12 benchmarks look promising for AMD cards and you should expect a nice boost should you pick AMD.
You mean the R9 380.

The 380 is definitely the better choice here and it's the recommended card in this range. You want the 4GB model and the difference between 2 GB and 4 GB is huge in most games. You can expect at least a 10 FPS difference in games between the two especially on newer games.

The 960 just doesn't have enough raw power and they crippled the card's memory bandwidth. Even if it did have 4 GB it wouldn't be able to fully utilize it.

Early DX 12 benchmarks look promising for AMD cards and you should expect a nice boost should you pick AMD.
if your going to upgrade your gpu wait till the newer pascal come out. the paper launch is the first week in april. the newer pascal cards will be faster then the older 900 line and amd 300 line of gpu. when your looking at gpu try to get ones with more video ram if your going to do over 60 hhz gaming. looking at the newer gpu look at asus cards or ones built like it. the newer cards built like asus have over sized heat sinks to keep gpu cooler in gaming.

This is an assumption. Nothing is confirmed yet. In addition, what if Nvidia don't release cards in his price range first? Is he going to wait another 2 months for them to come out?

Don't know if one brand is better than the other. I'd say look at individual card reviews instead. Sometimes certain cards will be made with cheaper parts in the same price range and the only way to find this out is in reviews.

For 380s I really like the Asus and MSI cards. I think there cooling solutions work very well.