Question VR headsets: would these devices have been a good match for crossfire/SLI


Jan 5, 2015
From what I've read VR headsets render a slightly different view of the same scene for both eyes, so from that perspective, wouldn't VR headsets have been an ideal application for crossfire/SLI?

While a potato card can't run them, a decent GPU can. The amount of power two cards would need, cabling, heat, etc. One good card makes more sense. With the comparatively low resolution and refresh rate to a monitor, it simply makes no sense to run two cards for VR, if it was even still a thing.
I had also thought that for headset VR gaming high refresh rates were important to prevent nausea?
They are but most people only have Meta/Oculus which tops out at 90hz, which is fairly low IMO. It wasn't so much the framerste alone but also resolution and racing made me feel off. Not sick, not dizzy, maybe like looking at an arcade machine? I didn't enjoy it and am back to using a 65"120hz OLED and is worlds better.

There are of course, I use this word conservatively, 'higher-end' headsets like the Vives and Primarks but they are a mixed bag of quality control and 3-4 times more expensive. If you have the money for those and are willing to gamble on them, you have the money for a high end GPU.