'VR Is Hard': An Interview With Cyan Worlds Co-Founder Rand Miller

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It's great in VR, but only with the point and click way of moving. Free moving has horrendous judder. It needs more optimization.
I've been saying this in all articles related to vr: VR NEEDS EYETRACKING. Primarily because of "foveated rendering". Current vr resolutions at up to 1440p is still far from enough. We need at least 4k per eye. And for obvious reasons, driving over 20 million pixels over 70 times per second with photorealistic details is not doable now nor in the next 10 years. Thus, just rendering the exact central part of the image, where the eye is looking is crucial, only the central part of your view is high resolution, you need 1-2 million pixels in the central portion and 1 million pixels for the rest of the screen, 25% less than a standard 1440p screen, with better quality and no screendoor effect. This is by far more important than roomscale. Vive and rift have their priority wrong. This matter still need an universal open api at the gpu driver leve to support assymetrical rendering, thus not counting with developers to implement it.
VR is also still overpriced. It must go down to bellow 500 usd. i also see the excessive competition between oculus and vive for a dominant format only segmenting a very small and fragile matket.
this article is lame, it's like saying tour de france is really hard to a person that doesn't do any sports

don't tell the rest of the world that don't use VR that VR is hard lmao !
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