Has anyone had their machine reboot in a continous loop? For some reason when I install W2K as soon as I start to install my programs this happens. I'll reboot and when it begins to load the programs, screen goes black and reboots on its own, over and over. It will boot up in safe mode but I cannot pinpoint the problem because it will do it at different stages of the install. It does the same with XP so I think it has something to do with the kernel of the operatinmg systems. Does not do it in 98SE or Me. I run a DFI AD72, Athlon XP1600+, 512 MB DDR ram, 40 gig 7200 Maxtor, TNT agp 32mb graphics, soundblaster live, burner, dvd etc. I do not think its a hardware problem. The chipset is a Via KT266. I would really like to run 2000 or XP but I can't until I figure this one out. Any suggestions?