w32 & security center



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?)

David H. Lipman Wrote:
> From: "belgar0428" belgar0428.1usn1t@pcbanter.net
> | I uninstalled the w32 chod virus but the MS Security Center command
> | "Change the way SC alerts me" is greyed out and short of
> reinstalling
> | XP (recomemnded by the help desk) has anyone run across this problem
> | with solution?
> |
> | --
> | belgar0428
> If you had a virus, you didn't "unistall" it. Viruses have no formal
> installation process.
> They just execute and run the process of intent of their payload.
> You had to "remove" a virus. the question is.. How ?
> Just removing an infected file is often not enogh as the infector makes
> changes to the OS
> and software needs to be used to undo those changes as identified to be
> made by the
> infector.
> Considering this is the case and actions of a virus, there are anti
> virus News Groups
> specifically for this type of discussion.
> microsoft.public.security.virus
> alt.comp.virus
> alt.comp.anti-virus
> --
> Dave
> http://www.claymania.com/removal-trojan-adware.html
> http://www.ik-cs.com/got-a-virus.htm

Hi Dave - you are correct - I removed the virus by following the
instructions from Symantec that I downloaded using another computer.
Not hard to do - just picky. My problem now is the XP security cener
commands - short of uninstalling SP2 and reinstalling the OS + all
updates is there any other solution?

Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.security_admin (More info?)

belgar0428 Wrote:
> HI all - Agree with Dave re virus 'uninstall'.
> I got this virus, via MSN, on 4th August when Symantec detected it, to
> their credit.
> My procedure was:
> Sort out Host file which had entries relating to Security sites making
> me unable to access them directly to download updates to any detecting
> AV s/w.
> I then followed the instructions from Symantec to the letter with
> regard to changing registry entries.
> After all this I found that my Security Centre came back, I guessed it
> was one of the register entries that was preventing it (an expert would
> tell you which one, I'm not one!)
> I found on booting up that all worked perfectly. I then undid System
> Restore and re-did System Restore. All seems well now.
> As a newy to computers, I just did what I was told and it worked.
> http://tinyurl.com/7opuk
> Was the site with the instructions
> Steve
