W7 nvidia settings?


Aug 11, 2009
Last night I formatted and put w7 RC 64 bit on my PC. Now, I've had this problem before but in a slightly different way, w7 picked up my graphics card straight away, and it reccomended the nvidia driver to install, when I went to set up my dual monitors, it had them the wrong way round. Basically I cannot remember how you get them the right way round, I tried changing the primary monitor but it keeps making it so I have to go left to get to the right monitor and vice versa.

I have fixed this before but for the life of me cannot remember how to sort it.

Any ideas? : )

I forgot to mark this one as solved, had a solution in my other thread.

Basically just unplug one, boot up, then plug the 2nd one in and it adds as a second monitor, solved my problem at least.

Thanks though.