I have a Kraken X61 plugged in to my Asus Z170-AR and the fans and lights work great. I can't tell if the pump is working, I have it plugged into the W_PUMP header on my mobo. I figured I would just set that header to always be 100% since the x61 regulates itself and always wants full power. The W_PUMP header is nowhere to be found in the BIOS, so I don't know if it is always at full, not detecting the pump, or something else. I checked and I have the latest BIOS, 1801. All of the fans appear, but the BIOS doesn't show the pump header.
Any ideas?
P.S. the very first time I booted with the kraken installed I heard water trickling (or flowing, I don't know how quickly) through the pump very audibly, but that noise has not recurred despite my not changing anything.
P.P.S. the CPU is staying around 30°C and not rising, so maybe the pump is going? I have no idea.
P.P.P.S. I disconnected the pump from the header and tested, the CPU shot past 40°C.
Any ideas?
P.S. the very first time I booted with the kraken installed I heard water trickling (or flowing, I don't know how quickly) through the pump very audibly, but that noise has not recurred despite my not changing anything.
P.P.S. the CPU is staying around 30°C and not rising, so maybe the pump is going? I have no idea.
P.P.P.S. I disconnected the pump from the header and tested, the CPU shot past 40°C.