Wait for lower tier ryzen chips or build now?

Yair Ballinas

Apr 11, 2013
So with the release of new Ryzen chips, I was wondering if it's worth waiting for Ryzen 5 chips or just build now. I've been wanting to build for awhile now but this has currently put it on hold. This is my build so far and any suggestions are appreciated as well https://pcpartpicker.com/list/kz49XH

Also was wondering if I want to play games on max settings at 1080p with a 144hz monitor is it worth to spend the extra money on the gtx 1070 or should I just go with the 1060? Thanks for the help!
An overclocked 6600K is not going to have trouble running games regardless. If you want 144Hz, definitely stay with the 1070.

If you are going to be rendering, streaming, or anything else... then you would consider holding for Ryzen.
If you have a functional build right now or aren't in a giant hurry I would wait. There are rumors of a 6600k falling well below $200 upon ryzen release. So you might can pick up a better ryzen CPU if they turn out awesome or a much cheaper Intel build if not