Want to test strength of password

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May 28, 2014
i want to test the strength of a file I have encrypted on my computer, any suggestions for programs that will do this? On a windows machine but i use linux aswell

It has bruteforce and anyone using anything above these 2 programs is most likely going to be able to break through anything. testing it with these to withstand them will put the security above what %90 of people will be able to break. Anything above is just a pro hacker who will take down anything.
No im sure the strength of the password is fine, more the encryption,
I thought cain was mainly for wireless and windows logon passwords? Does it do bruteforce and stuff? Only used it once 😛

It has bruteforce and anyone using anything above these 2 programs is most likely going to be able to break through anything. testing it with these to withstand them will put the security above what %90 of people will be able to break. Anything above is just a pro hacker who will take down anything.
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