Recently built a pc and realised that the bios version that the motherboard that shipped with was at v1.4, whereas the latest version was 1.7
Basically, the manual doesn't provide guidance as to how i should do this. I know i am supposed to use the M-flash utility that reads flash drives and allows me to update my bios, but what are the steps i need to take before i plug the USB into the pc containing the new bios. Or, what are other better methods used to update MSI motherboard bios that you would perhaps recommend.
I would appreciate any advice that directly relates to this motherboard and not a generic list of commands or steps that people commonly use.
Basically, the manual doesn't provide guidance as to how i should do this. I know i am supposed to use the M-flash utility that reads flash drives and allows me to update my bios, but what are the steps i need to take before i plug the USB into the pc containing the new bios. Or, what are other better methods used to update MSI motherboard bios that you would perhaps recommend.
I would appreciate any advice that directly relates to this motherboard and not a generic list of commands or steps that people commonly use.