Want to Upgrade HD 4850 to 6950 - Will it work?


Nov 3, 2011
Computer Newb here. Just got Battlefield 3 and want to upgrade my graphics card for better game play. My specs are:

Dell Studio XPS435T with i7-940 processor 2.93 ghz
8GB DDR3 Ram @ 1066 MHz
512MB Radeon HD4850
Power Supply is 425W (Not sure what make).

I want to upgrade to 1GB HD6950. I think the processor will handle it, but can I just get the new card and plug it in? Never opened a computer before and am not sure of the power pin connector types. Does anyone know if this will work, or will I need a new PSU?

Thanks to anyone who can help me out.
You need a 500w or greater psu. Check the system requirements tab of the below link.


If you want to get the bare minimum psu upgrade to get that card, you can find a solid unit like this for pretty low cost:


Replacing a psu is a very simple job- just look at what types of connectors are plugged in where (snap some quick photos of each connection if needed) and then get the same plugs set with the new PSU.