Warning! Water_Out -300 centigrade


Mar 16, 2017

So I built a new machine
Corsair Obsidian 900D Case
Asus Crosshair VI Hero
AMD Ryzen 1800X (Overclocked at 11% running at 4.02 Ghz)
Corsair H110I Duel Radiator
Corsair Dominator Platinum Series 16GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz (overclocked at 3%)
Corsair AX1200i Power Supply | I know overkill - go big or go home :)
2 Nvidia GTX 980 (SLI)
1 Samsung 2 TB SSD Evo
2 Western Digital Black 7200 2 TB
OS Windows 10 x64

Machine is extremely stable; however, as soon as machine boots up I get this Error in red on the bottom right corner of my monitor.
Warning! Water_Out -300 centigrade
Logically I'm sure we all know water boils at 100 degrees Celsius and freezes at 0. So when I interpret this message as either -300C or 300C in either case seems very extreme and highly unlikely.
Tried to find this specific error online and no luck....
If I click anywhere on this warning it closes out and doesn't come back. I'm running Corsair Link 4 to monitor my temperatures and I see nothing concerning at all. Temperatures across entire system are well within the desired range.
So I strongly feel this warning is unjustified but it annoys me because I haven't figured out how to rid myself of it.
I'm parsing through my event logs to see if I see anything strange.
I'm mainly looking of a way to rid myself of this message. Since I believe it is unwarranted.


Mar 16, 2017
Application/Software generating the error is undefined.
Could be a flaky sensor (I considered this).
Yes the H110i is connected and functioning properly based on full confirmation within BIOS and also the Corsair Link 4 dashboard monitoring my system.
was it working fine and then just happened today? or has it been like that since the new cpu was installed? Could be that the corsairlink isn't compatible with the new AMD cpu's yet and are getting the wrong reading.

I read a review yesterday that the 1800x and 1700x gave off the wrong temp and your suppose to subtract 20*c from what its reading the get the correct temp, and the 1700 was reporting the correct temps


Mar 16, 2017
My rig was just built and fired up the first time within the past 48 hours. So it has been like this since my very first boot into my OS. I have applied the latest BIOS for the Crosshair VI Hero provided by Asus (Version 9.02) release date 3/13/17.
This error was occurring prior to me installing the CorsairLink software (so unrelated). But good thought.
I fully understand with a new Processor and MB on the market it could be initially buggy.
Again, from a physical hardware layer I'm not seeing issues. Machine runs great and I'm ecstatic about its performance.
I'm just a stickler for ironing out little kinks within my OS as I see them. So I'm still digging.

One thought I had with respect to the Radiator installation.
Within the install instruction for a AMD chipset, step # 5 states connect pump to power (which I did) and the 3 pin pump RPM Connection to CPU_Fan Power Header. Which I did...
However, I'm wondering if instead instead of plugging it into the CPU_Fan if I should have plugged it into the AIO_Pump.
Please note this is my first liquid cooled built machine but I've worked within IT for 20 years so I do not consider myself a novice in subject matters of hardware / software.


Mar 16, 2017
The Asus Crosshair VI Hero only has 1 USB 2.0 header. It does have a ROB_Extender header which can be used as a USB Header. I considered swapping. But again from system I'm getting solid readings that the radiator is performing perfectly fine. Temperatures on chip look great. System is stable.
Did you install any of the asus temp prob software? that could be where the little warning window is coming from.

Im at work and us a Asus rampage iii extreme board, it uses the pc probe 2 software, if its running in the system tray it will popup with temp warnings sometimes.

Gon Freecss

Apr 28, 2015
-273.15 C is absolute zero, or 0 Kelvin. We know of nothing that's at absolute zero temperatures, and certainly, as far as we know, it's impossible to go below absolute zero.


It's impossible (or at least thought to be impossible) to go below 0 entropy.

To OP: Busted sensor or bad reading, as that temperature can not exist.