Was I Just PortScanned?


Jul 21, 2013
Okay, so I like to think I know just a little bit about things and stuff... Enough to be safe, or so I thought? So here is my issue. My setup is as follows. Main router connected to coax -> ethernet running to second router for wifi on my end of house -> ethernet running to PC. Just saying so people reading understand there are two routers that I've set up the following settings on. Wanted to host a Terraria server for my friends to play on. So I set up port forwarding on both routers allowing incoming UDP & TCP connections on port 7777. The cmd prompt style program that runs on my PC with the Terraria world shows that it's listening to port 7777 and I can see when an IP connects to play. Well about 20 minutes ago, with no expected friends playing, I noticed an IP connect. was the IP. I immediately closed the Terraria server program, and searched that IP only to find that it's been reported multiple times as a malicious IP. I immediately logged into both routers and changed the forwarded port to a random one instead. Do I have anything to worry about? Should I completely reset both routers to be safe? Request an IP address change? I appreciate everybody's help! Thank you!

There are random scans happening all the time on everything and its not an indication of an attack especially on non-business targets

There are random scans happening all the time on everything and its not an indication of an attack especially on non-business targets



Oct 14, 2013

You've opened that port, on your router.. so effectively, you've opened a gate to allow anyone playing Terraria, to connect to your server. You really are paranoid about nothing.

If you're that concerned, don't host a server.