Question Watch_Dogs 1 stutters uncontrollably ?

Jan 14, 2025
I have a laptop with an RTX 4070 GPU and an i7-13700H CPU.

Watch_Dogs 1 stutters uncontrollably. I have tried:
  • Enabling and disabling vsync,
  • Limiting the fps with rivatuner,
  • Changing the max buffered frames,
  • Changing it to windowed borderless,
  • Turning my graphics settings to the lowest.
Please help because i really want to play this game.
Stuttering comes from a temporary lack of a critical resource. Usually CPU.
My canned response to laptop performance issues:
I see many complaints about gaming laptops not performing well.
Usually gaming while plugged in.
One common cause is thermal throttling.
Laptop coolers must, of necessity be small and light.
The coolers are also relatively underpowered.
If you run an app such as HWMonitor or HWinfo, you will get the current, minimum, and maximum cpu temperatures. Set to see each individual core.
For intel processors, if you see a max of 100c. in red, it means you have throttled.
I think the number for ryzen is more like 85c-90c.
The cpu will lower it's multiplier and power draw to protect itself until the situation reverses.
At a lower multiplier, your cpu usage may well be at 100%
What can you do?
First, see that your cooler airways are clear and that the cooler fan is spinning.
Use a windows balanced power profile, not the performance profile.
Set a minimum cpu performance to something like 20%

It is counter-intuitive, but, try changing the windows balanced power profile advanced functions to a max of 90% instead of the default of 100%
You may not notice the reduced cpu performance.
But don't disregard user error.
On laptops often the gpu is set on energy efficiency which will make games run terribly until you put the gpu to max performance, same for the cpu.
Ive set all my games to use my nvidia gpu, how do i set the gpu to max performance?
A laptop running plugged in will default to using the discrete gpu and will try to run at max performance.
If you run on battery, the default will be integrated graphics and lower cpu performance to save on battery life.

Try running plugged in, but set windows max cpu down from 100% to, say 95% so it will not run as hot and thermal throttle.
Ive set all my games to use my nvidia gpu, how do i set the gpu to max performance?
It is as geofelt says, but if you want to double check go to nvidia control panel got to 3d settings and make sure it's set to max.