watercooling CPU block LGA 1150


Nov 1, 2015
Hello I am doing a custom water cooling setup and I have been looking for a good block for it I have a budget of $40 for a block, so to put it shortly best CPU block under $40
-Also, how do I delete a thread?

This isn't filtered by socket since many blocks will fit multiple sockets, but just about everything on the first 2 pages that will fit your socket would be a decent choice. The Phobya blocks are on the cheaper end of the scale and would be alright if you were really looking to stay budget friendly, but there are also some well-priced EK and AquaComputer and Watercool blocks that are only a few dollars more which are typically better made products. Regardless, just about every block listed will keep you within 2-3C at load of any other block for the most part, assuming your install makes good contact with the CPU IHS and you use decent thermal paste and...

Ive been reading your watercooling guide (I just closed the tab in fact) and it has taught me many things I wanted to know about water cooling (THANKS)
and I guess ill quit being cheap for once, well not AS cheap, what blocks do you recommend under 60? -I dont mind a long list

This isn't filtered by socket since many blocks will fit multiple sockets, but just about everything on the first 2 pages that will fit your socket would be a decent choice. The Phobya blocks are on the cheaper end of the scale and would be alright if you were really looking to stay budget friendly, but there are also some well-priced EK and AquaComputer and Watercool blocks that are only a few dollars more which are typically better made products. Regardless, just about every block listed will keep you within 2-3C at load of any other block for the most part, assuming your install makes good contact with the CPU IHS and you use decent thermal paste and good application.

thanks ill take a look at it tomorrow ( I have alot of things to get done) but if you wish to know im planning to use it on an I7-4790K (LGA1150)

I totally agree, but would urge you to save even more than that and get yourself the best of the best.


This water block beat my XSPC Raystorm by 5c on the exact same system.

Custom water cooling is one area you get what you pay for.

If the EK Supremacy EVO is just too much then at least get the XSPC Raystorm.



Im going to have to push the project back
but Ill just go back to this thread if it doesn't delete itself due to inactivity