Am I the only one wondering how on earth does a FULL HD resolution (from the screen shot) with normal settings and all gameworks settings off consume 2771 MB of VRAM?
Correct me if Im wrong, but I thought that 2 GB is PLenty for anything in full HD as long as its well optimized (hell, even crysis 1 used less vram and was a known bad optimization).
very simple, and i'm going to rant a bit.
programmers/developers are lazy as hell, before they optimize a game so it runs well on lesser hardware, they take a look and see if it will run reasonably good on the best hardware, if it does than what usually happens is they say to hell with the lower hardware and throw resources at the problem.
this is why i despise games that are made graphics first, or for hardware that doesn't exist yet (crysis)
instead of picking a mid range build, or even a low end and making the game around that and faking some of the effects, saving a crapton of resources because the effects are faked, they decide to go for non faked effects, god knows the reason.
the most recent thing i can think of is ambient occlusion in far cry 4. i usually turn this off as it's USUALLY a small effect, many games bake ao into textures for things that never move to save processing power, so it really only ever effects moving objects, basically such a minor thing that i'm willing to forgo it for the sake of faster frames or never dipping below 60fps. however, the scene in farcry 4 where you went into a prayer area, a cave, and all the shadows were handled with ao instead of baked... that is where i found out how necessary it was in this game because a main focal point in the area had no detail at all because it relied exclusively on ao, so now i have to take a 5-10 fps hit all because they wanted to go real time with everything...
had they based the decisions around lesser gpus, or lesser systems, they would have faked some effects and made the game run better across the board without negatively affecting the visuals much if at all.
and to the over 2gb, you gave the developers gpus that had over 2gb of ram, for what reason would they make optimizations for anything less than 2gb?
on a more cynical note, this is a gameworks game, nvidia is content with maxing tessellation out to a retarded extent to hurt their older gpus just because it hurt amd's gpus more, in the CCC amd has a setting to limit tessellation largely for this reason, what makes you think nvidia didn't work with them to give people with older or lesser gpus a reason to "upgrade"