We May Be Extraterrestrials After All

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"I respect the fact that you believe in Religions, in Jesus, etc. Someone pushing onto other people that religion is wrong is just as bad as a Christian pushing his religion onto me."
I don't think so. Someone (your religious parents) brainwashes you since your birth and forces his beliefs upon you when you have no means of defense since you have no experience of your own.
If I tell you now (in your adult age) that religion is wrong and does/did terrible things (no doubt about that), I'm not brainwashing you in any way, you get a chance to compare my statements to your previous experience and to completely disbelieve them. Those brainwashed children don't.
Religion spreads like a plague, it was carefully designed to do so after all.
Let people believe in what they want to believe in Martel. There are millions that live in peace, and are happy believing in their religion. To run over to them and try and destroy what they believed in for years is Absolutely ignorant and stupid.
If the universe is created by God then who created God? To say that universe requires a creator while the creator requires no explanation of its creation is illogical. Trying to redefine a scientific theory through religious dogma and justifying such dogmas through emotional arguments is wrong and very very dangerous. Evolution is a scientific theory that should be thought in science classes. Creationism is a religious dogma that should be thought in church. Let us all strive to keep Religion out of science.
what offends me is the use f the word "God", as if the word meant something definable, and, when brought out, quashes all further thought. It's like a retreat into a safe nest - but the evidence we have in front of us is that the universe moves forward on its own, and always toward higher life forms, greater complexity. to me it is the pattern of nature that astounds me, the faultless law that cannot be subverted. what word do we have to encompass that?
When someone asks me if I believe in God, I have to ask:

"Which one?. The one killing heathens in the Middle East? The one blowing up infidels? The one that wears orange robes? Narrow it down for me please."

Or I might say:

"Of course. But he thinks exactly like me, and everyone who doesn't is going to hell."

Just saying you believe in God, does not really mean anything.
The comments on this page so far are a good example of "stupid" humans.
This is nothing more than ego based "white noise". This really is not either a debate or a conversation of sorts if it ever was. You guys are doing nothing but spinning your wheels here as if you are going to teach anybody anything. Being driven by "ego" is never quite a good thing, when you are driven by the need to be superior or be correct at all times. I just dont think its worth it, because in the end of the day we only have so long to live wether you belive in "evolution" or "Christianity". I used to be like this myself starting in late my high school years, and you know how college gets sometimes, It is really sad that it always takes a life or death scenario to "awaken" or to just be aware of what really matters and to just live life to its fullest.

Whats sad about it all is that we do need some sort of government, but its never a "selfless" individual at heart, someone like Martin Luther King or Ghandi as these type of people don't like to be leaders but selfless individuals who fight for others at the core of things, not right wing or left wing, Muslim or Jew, liberal or traditionalist, or in this case evolution or religion. They did not want followers they wanted people to take responsibility for there "own" lives wether it was to "fight" for their rights as humans or just to live in peace with one another.

Ego is the root of all evil and if you where to check people in our past memories who live by that rule, it would not take long to understand what is all means.

This is a pretty deep subject you know, I was never in a life or death scenario, but I guess I am lucky I found sooner rather than "later"...

Anyway I was just here to take a look at some tech news and to finalize my build before I to newegg.com later...lol
Shadow Monkey, some comments here are egotistical, but some of it is actually entertaining and good for you since it's a gut check on what you believe and why. I like knowing how people think on some of this stuff, but yes arguing is futile. Expanding your knowledge is always worthwhile.

It's nice to live in America and not be told what to believe. As an engineer I really appreciate science which is why this article caught my attention. But I also have my personal beliefs in God. So at the same time I can love both science and faith. The two are not mutually exclusive for me as I welcome opposing views. But I don't try to push this down anyone's throat. I just strive to be a good example since so many Christians have screwed it up.

I do believe we should allow both the theory of evolution and intelligent design to be taught in schools. Why not present the information and let kids decide? They're both theories anyway since they can't be proven. And both are related to how we came about so how can either one not be relevant since the theories oppose each other directly. We should not be afraid to tell kids that people have looked at the facts and come to different conclusions. That seems close minded to me.
Shadow_monkey Calling people stupid is, well, stupid in its own. Everyone here but you is stupid right?

Let people voice their opinions and let their ideas loose. Some people may not have had the same experience you had in your lifetime so their view on this world is completely different, and they may think your statements are "stupid".

Some believe in a God, some believe in religion, and some believe in Nothing. Let them.

Like you said life is about living and believing in something is just a part of living.
someguy777: It really does not serve me as a gut check, I don't think it ever did on this topic at least. I used to read it then it used to get me in some sort of rage then I would become part of the problem. Have to admit that sometimes I get a little sting sometimes, whether its AMD vs. Intel, Nvidia vs. ATI or Asus vs. Gigabyte... But then I think to myself that when is come to egotistical rants each side has its fools and its not like mine will probably be the "winning" rant. So I just read it and get my kick out of it and move on.

Also on the topic at hand there are people who actually like to go on blogs or sites to get into these never ending "battles". I seriously pity them but I leave it at that.

I read something the other day about a letter that Albert Einstein wrote, It covered some of this, you can google it or something I read it on Yahoo but MSN had it too. I thought it was a good read.
So ... If there is no God ... then from where did the sole come from ? ... When somebody die for example in an accident .. he is still died even if in someway his body is recovered by medical means.

I could care less what the Jesus freaks or the Evolution envirowhackos say about extra terrestrials.

Where are the down and dirty hardware reviews of yesteryear? Ever since Tom sold this place has turned into nothing but a fluff blog full of crap!~

Where's the beef?
Yeah... Where's the damn reviews. I'm freak'n out about ATI's new cards and no-where has actually tried to spew out some benchmarks.

@Jesus/Religious/Scientific/Whatever People
Evidence is good y'know? Just saying "o-m-g everything just exploded into matter" (Can be seen out of context (big bang and everything popping into existence)) really won't get anyone anywhere. How about we stop funding war and poor african children, and start funding Space Travel. Sooner or later that big ball of gas and fire up in the sky (or is it god giving us light) will have a fit and kill us.

Look at Chaos Theory as an example: something has to start somewhere, otherwise it has no-where to begin. Once it has begun, it will continue without an end. (©Queue, 2008, All Rights Reserved.)

I'm with the Star Trek comment.
I highly doubt that the video cards came from meteorites or any other cosmic event. Their evolution is easy to track without the need for carbon14 dating. Of course Intel is boasting that it can make the discrete cards extinct, but these cards are definitely not on the endangered species list yet.

AMD is struggling for existence. Intel is trying to make them go the way of the T-rex. AMD must evolve or die.

THG is acting like PC mag now, or like a mammoth trying to survive in a desert. I hope they don't become extinct, but they seem to be dying.
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