We must be uber rich

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OK, think of this
Your household never looks back or ahead.
Youve got all the money you need
You havnt bothered to look back at how much youve spent
You dont worry about the future either
Why, you havnt even budgeted for over 2 years

If theres problems, you can blame the rest of the family, thereby holding onto being the adult in the family, regardless of what happens

Now, the senate hasnt voted on a budget for over two years, its their job to do so, but hey, no problems
The children have attempted to create a budget three times, and only since theyve come of age, after the last election, and their seniors washed it away
We have the money then, and now right? So why worry?

The eldest statesman of the family hasnt offered one thing to help the family
Oh, he said hes concerned, but doesnt commit to anything, as it may be misunderstood, and he doesnt want to be removed from his stately position, so nothing negative must be attributed to him, period.
Its those young crazy ones, the ones whove said they have an answer who're dangerous
Theyre actually willing to risk their postions in the family on this silly little problem, how naive is that?
Now, if they dont just tow the line, and do what the elders say, theyll be shamed foever, and then what?
Will the elders actually come up with a budget, one due over two years ago?
Unfortunately, they may have to, isnt this dreadful?
They won't. And the rest of the responsible adult family will not question him/them about it. Instead, they will focus on why one of the children failed to return a telephone call.

Nicely put, jd.
that is what happens when you plan ahead.. there grows nothing left to do.
as you implicated.. the country wants to be talked to, and that might be enough to force a story into the media.
seems like if you dont tell the truth, you are forever bound to continue adding to a lie.
The issue is that the guberment is not for us...the "We the People...". This whole thing is a sham and Obama is being blindly lead to political suicide by the Boehner/Reid-McConnell/Pelosi train. He feels like he can bark, but he does not bite. I say,"BITE them...darnit."

The people of the US put everyone in by accident. Obama was to help, but cannot figure out a way to get the Senate to do anything. Wanna know why Obama's plans have failed...Hint*

he let the senate screw him*

Obama has led but has no idea what to do. The people are fed up, they want change. The current contenders in the 2012 race are a joke. Bachmann is for Conservatives...she even said. Not that is a bad thing but what about the 'people'?

Currently, unless the American people wake up and see what they are pinned up against, this country will be run straight into the ground by 1st graders...in jackets.


suppose i repeat myself for the sake of receipt..

'obama has led but has no idea what to do'

this is the role of the president.
how can one person absorb the very long list of 'things to do/due'
that is like santa claus being real and going from house to house putting presents under the tree.
if it were to ever EVER happen.. it would be because of teamwork.

the president position that the whole world can see is not some seat with half a dozen of things to control.
there is a long list of problems in the world.. who dare try to hire or elect somebody that has control over only some of those things?
you cannot fix a problem without knowing what is going to be affected.
that is like chopping down a tree without giving a single care about any of the branches or the fruit hanging from those branches.

kinda resembles the whole story of the first president who chopped down a tree doesnt it?

these riddles are a childs play thing.

anybody who believes chopping down a tree without first seeing if there are electrical lines or cables that could be damaged when the tree falls over is clinically insane.
anybody who thinks chopping the tree down isnt going to affect the fruit hanging on the branches is also clinically insane.

how do people come to pass mixing things like 'world leaders' with 'president' ??
what about the well-known words 'law and policy maker'

if you make a decision to have something done.. it is not a decision, it is a LAW (or policy)
some people say life is a law.. and policies provide it food.

one person does not have the power to control any policy.
and nobody cares about what the president and senate vote on.. because the people can come together and vote no.

it isnt hard to bypass any 'agenda' put in place to start a no vote.
you rent a building.. fill it with people and get the television crews to record the event.

could start with a single piece of paper that say what you want and if enough people sign it.. then a date will be made for protest.
that is how 1 million people walk across the white house and destroy it with anger.
if your numbers are too small.. your vote isnt big enough and you will be prosecuted.

so how does ONE person think they have the power to start making decisions?
it doesnt happen.. that is fiction.
we live on a foundation of intelligence and voting.

do you really believe the president.. the senate.. the house.. and congress are the smartest people alive ??!!!
they are not the smartest people alive.. and that is how you know they have no control over much of anything.

i mean..
how stupid we would be if we voted for people to run the world and we have no idea what their I.Q. score is.
we dont even know if they went to college or graduated high school.

grow up.

the post was too long..
i forgot i quoted you.

no worries.
i didnt mean to quote you and talk specifically to you and only you the whole time throughout the post.

since it was my mistake, i will be as blunt honest as i can be.
i did not tell you (dogman_1234) to grow up.
you didnt deserve to read it that way, and i dont deserve to leave it that way.

i was simply trying to summarize my ranting and raving with a punch line.
to say..
i was trying to summarize 'my ranting and raving'
not to be confused with..
summarize my 'conversation with dogman_1234'

when i quote somebody.. that doesnt mean i am actually talking to them.
it generally means i am taking something out of that post i quoted to begin my reply to the thread.

proper grammar structure would indicate that i was making a reply about something in your post.
it was those words that i wanted.. the whole talking to you directly was mistaken.

lets continue :hello:
In a family, its the duty of the head of the family to say/announce whats going on
If only a few elders go into a secret room to determine the fate for the whole family, what happens in that room is open to rumor, speculation and projections led by agendas

These things need to be written down, for all to read, or those elders need to step down, and find someone who will lead the family in important decisions, where those decisions are made for all to see and understand

that is why the public assembly goes on and on about 19 year old information.
but, doesnt the above comment commute me to anarchy 😛
as if to say 'in a family of my own.. i must say something as i am the head of that family'

well.. i suppose i am still ignorant enough to consider me, myself, and i a family (as well as an entertainer and/or leader)
Family analogize are all fine and good, but it is after all only an analogy. Heads of families don't have to deal with things like the constitution or Federal courts. While it would be awesome if we had a smart strong president who could just do things and lead us out of this mess, the founding fathers knew that would be a bad idea and prevented it.

Its not the system that's messed up, but how people get elected. As long as they are bought, this isn't going to work.
Thus the behind the door approach, which isnt mandatory in law or otherwise.

Thus the kicking the can down the road, which again, is ignoring your position and responsibilities towards the country/family
800 plus days they havnt voted on a budget
Theyve been in control for most of that as well
Pelosi said itd be an open and paid for congress
The house paid dearly for those lies, while the senate has still yet to do their jobs once

The very term, it takes a village harkens towards more a familial POV
And whos famous for this?
And whos done nothing in such regards?
And who tells those villages what to do, when to do it, and exactly how?
Im just using their own rhetoric

me too!

i always say your life is what you make of it, about how it is best to be a leader than a follower.
you cannot, and should not, trust anybody but yourself.
if you are capable of judgement, you should get along within those capabilities.
when are we really going to start giving attention to those with emotional bonds towards what they see?

some people are better with input than they are with output.
to hold them to some type of standard or policy based upon what they can provide as paving ground in only one way (the output being the example here) is completely hypocritical and well-shown.

i am in a prime example.
i wish to INPUT information through college schooling.. but there is no solid emphasis on the nations intake.
i simply cannot provide any output that paves ground until i get the input.

i truly (as well as assumingly) believe the government standard has the tightest grip on the situation.
i believe it influences the children to re-enact the same.
and i assume there are people not associated with the government standard making the same style of decisions, as they are already influenced (or driven) to those decisions/actions.

if we cant begin with school.. then the rest of our lives are meaningless and pathetic.
because good schooling and a good life can lead to raising children better, i wouldnt have to go any further into the homes than schooling.
as the information is made available.. people can obtain it, absorb it, and push forward with their hobbies.
more participation means a larger crowd, as that puts more emphasis to join the crowd for the newcomers.

maybe then we can get past some of the 'electronics or gasoline-driven vehicle' point in our life.
i know they are all tools.. regardless of whether you enjoy building houses or repairing them.. or in the kitchen with your favorite knife or spoon (or pot and pan).

i see there isnt a whole lot left to do except make the schools more kind, as well as informative.
(some things need some upgrades, as i have been saying in the audio section of the forum)
When a household suddenly cuts back on expenses by 10%, it means they buy more cheap crap at Walmart, and/or less luxury items.

When a government suddenly cuts back on all expenses by 5%, people die.

This is why you can't just equate the two.
republicans are just so concerned about getting the everyman vote they have completely lost touch with the people.

Americans of both parties recognize that the taxes need to be raised to get money to pay back debts. Repubs just want to be able to say "Look we understand your needs and we dont want you to have to pay more taxes" when that couldnt be further from the truth.

You like your highways paved? Your police timely?
And as for the house analogy imagine that two of your roomates are the richest people in the world and you dont make them pay rent because they have an awesome TV and they buy the beer, the GOOD beer.
Lets see, are we in recession?
Whats the worst things a governement can do during one?
Spend money friviously, raise taxes, and ignore their responsibility.
They havnt voted
He hasnt done anything
Weve got billions in pure giveaways, where no one dies
Weve spent billions where 1 job costs millions
Does it sound like governments doing their job?
Republicans are also spending, its not just the libs, the dems etc
Theres some dems thatre good for this country, as is there republicans
People sat on their backsides not getting a job because unemployment paid better, government spending
People who can wodk choose not to, cause itds easier to get some money on the side and do welfare
Doctors and patients ripping of medicare by the billions
Spending millions to find out why kids fall off of tricycles, and much more frivilous spending such as this.
Nope, its time they did their jobs, cleaned up the waste, and truly start running the country

As to the poll, I find it extremely interesting that of the people that count, the senate and house, Boehner leads all.
As Americans, we invest a huge amount of trust in our president, and this poll shows it.
I havnt seen a president yet fail us miserably, and I dont think Obama will either
Point here is, since its really been ignored, we can alwats raise taxes, but cutting is the tough, hard thing to do, and we need our leaders to do that very thing
Nice analogy, except it doesn't apply. Imagine a frat house of 100 people, where 10 of them pay 51% of the bills, and 50 pay the other 49%. The remaining 40 not only eat, sleep, and don't pay . . . but they also draw cash for their cigs and beers.

So please don't try to tell me who pays the rent here.

Its well known that taking ALL of the income in excess of $200k/yr from everyone wouldn't close this year's budget gap. And that doesn't include the 3rd greatest lie in the world. The Social Security "Trust Fund", which is nothing more than a pile of t-bills that, for obvious political reasons, are not counted as part of the national debt lol. Every draw from that "fund" is a current year expense contributing to the deficit.

The credit card is full, more revnenue will NOT solve this year's problem, nor next year's, nor ANY future year's probelm . . . each of which gets worse than the one preceding it.

So when we get serious about what we absolutely have to do - cut spending - maybe then we can talk about what's fair in the tax code. But when we do, let's talk with numbers, not words like "more" and "fair share" with no understanding of what the burden already is, and who bears it.
Everybody here is throwing around the term educated, degrees, etc.. Bottom line if you want real change you need to put in somebody who didn't go to college, who isn't what most would think is educated. But simply knows how to get stuff done, and knows he's not always gonna be the one able to do it. But the "working man" will never have a change in this age.

Or an educated man that doesn't want to be president, but simply has to do it anyways. (Read up on George Washington). Of course circumstance were far different, and so that will probably never happen again.

The best we could do in this age is to somehow get more then just two parties involved. Right now we have Reps/Dems.. And people expect change.. Guess what not gonna happen. Usually when you keep doing the same thing over and over, you get the same results over and over. (with tad differences here in there, but nothing of any true value).
Education . . . an interesting topic lol. College educated folks have already seen some of the impact of a "flat world" as some of the services they provide are now provided "overseas".

The fact of the matter is that most current college degrees and resulting professions no longer will guarantee you a good job. Due to the flat world, the services you provide as a college graduate can be provided from anywhere in the world. So, as a college graduate, you will now be competing with every college graduate in the world. Have fun with that.

Sure, there are some exceptions. While many teachers, doctors, nurses and lawyers can be replaced with a good set of A/V equipment, some staff will still be required to provide interface and some local service. But the rest? Bankers, engineers . . . you get the picture.

So tell your kids to think about NOT sending their kids to college. Plumbers, electricians, handymen, cooks . . . berry pickers . . . these are quite likely the jobs of the future.

As for education and politicains . . . heh . . . degrees don't provide experience, wisdom, and judgement. In fact, one could make a strong case that they often destroy it.
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