We Overclock Phenom II to 4.9GHz

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perhaps a DDR3 variant of the Phenom II will hit 6ghz, if we compare the DDR1 and DDR2 Athlon 64's the memory controller and its lower power requirement gave it a little more head room etc?

SuperPi was actually created in 1995 and doesnt use anything like multi-cores, SSE instructions etc - it shines on decent cache/memory sub system designs and solid core designs - i think id find it more valid then PCMark etc in some reguard, and YES is does seem to run better on Intel platforms lately and thats because Intel platforms HAVE been faster lately.

For reference:
P4 2M @7.4ghz got around 20 seconds
E6600 @2.4/1066 got 20 seconds
E6600 @3.2/1600 got 15 seconds
Ummm, dont be disappointed by those numbers, it may be that whoever oceed it didnt know what they were doing.

"We got to test some Phenom II X4 CPUs with liquid nitrogen (LN2) during our visit and peformed air and LN2 overclocking competition against Team AMD (macci & Pete Hardman) in front of the live audience.

We managed to run Phenom II X4 940 Black Edition CPU-Z stable at 6,28 GHz with 4 cores enabled, Crysis CPU timedemo at 6,1 GHz and 3DMark05 & 3DMark06 at 6,0 GHz. We used 1,95V vcore for CPU and cooled Dragon F1 Extreme Edition copper container to -173 degrees Celsius. AMD suggested us to run HyperTransport-link at 1 GHz (HT 1.0) and we didn’t see any coldbugs during our tests. "

It appears the HTT was set waaay to high



Oct 3, 2006
[citation][nom]Stone Cold[/nom]Did anyone notice the vcore. 1,8 is huge!!!But thumbs up for AMD, and those who OCd it[/citation]
I don't think 1.8 is that bad with below ambient cooling. With intels you often see numbers starting with a 2.

I noticed the bus speed in the cpu-z picture being relatively low - wouldn't it have made a difference if it was to run faster at a lower multiplier? or is that only of importance if the memory controller isn't on the cpu?

as for the post above me - kinda impressive, but air cooled speeds is what most of us want to know about, cause that's what we can reproduce.


Jan 22, 2008
TH you suck! How could you manage to screw OC-ing? There is a LOT of proof over the i-net that this CPU is clockable to ~6Ghz on LN2, while you manage to get it to


Jan 22, 2008
TH you suck! How could you manage to screw OC-ing? There is a LOT of proof over the i-net that this CPU is clockable to ~6Ghz on LN2, while you manage to get it to
Remember its starting at 1.35, not 1.1. Take percentages. 1.4 for a Penryn, thats over 20%. Now do over 20%, except starting at 1.35. Thats for 4Ghz, at super cooling solutions, well then yea, higher yet. The good thing is, no cold bugs, and itll actually take those Vcores, and be cool and have low power draw
Take a look at the memory speeds. 800? Then to claim this was the SuPi run at 4.9 in the header for the story, when it shows it was run at 4Ghz, using 800Mhz setting for the ram, and the HT is set waaay too high. Yea, Id say they did the pooch.


Oct 3, 2006
[citation][nom]jaydeejohn[/nom]Take a look at the memory speeds. 800? Then to claim this was the SuPi run at 4.9 in the header for the story, when it shows it was run at 4Ghz, using 800Mhz setting for the ram, and the HT is set waaay too high. Yea, Id say they did the pooch.[/citation]

The title, or header as you call it, sais they oc it to 4.9 - not that they run superpi at that speed. Anyway, yes the actual article sais they do that, and yes the image is wrong .... shifty. Perhaps it's done in the german lab - they tend to mess things up when turning it into english.


Jul 28, 2006
Well as i'm one of the lucky few to have a 3ghz stock phenom II ES chip i don't have any doubt that it's a vast improvement over phenom and competitive with i7 at same clock.

Phenom II and I7 both clocked to 3.6ghz using a 4870x2 to compare GTA IV performance, in 1280x1024 the phenom II did 55.6 FPS, the I7 did 61 or 62. The most noteable difference being that 3.6 for Deneb chips on air still leaves lots of head room to overclock,(1.375v with 40c 100% load temp) where as the I7 was shown to top out at 80C load running 3.8 with benchmarks failing, and 4 ghz the I7 approaced 100c with benchmarks failing.

Using an asus 790GX is far from ideal for high overclock, max clock with a DuOrb heatsink was 4.6ghz and change at 1.575v while far from stable....hey who cares it's air cooled.

Yes the default vcore for deneb may be 1.35, yet it hasn't given me any problems running 1.0625v @ 3ghz.


Does anyone really care about supercooled LN2 overclocking (other than for the geek sheik factor)? I have an i7 920 system under my desk right now. It's OC'ed to 3.7 on air at just 1.38 vcore. I paid ~$160 for the CPU (nice discount, eh?). It OC's to 4.1 stable if I push the vcore and stress the memory more than I want - so I backed it off a bit to a bus freq of 185 MHz which gives me a nice 3.7 GHz CPU. This is with the stock HSF.

I just ran some Super Pi and it looks like I'm getting 1M runs at around 16 and change (I didn't kill off background processes and I think that's why I'm not hitting as good as some others). But, like others, I don't care much about Super Pi either. My bench of choice is Crysis - and with (only) a single 9800 GTX I'm averaging 38 fps at 1600x1200 with full eye candy ;-)

Personally, I'm not waiting for AMD to come out with more competitive CPUs anymore. I do think I'll grab a couple of their GPUs after Christmas, though as they are just dirt cheap.

Phenom II in a couple of months - no thanks, I've already got my next system (it'll last me for at least 6-8 months). In that time, my next upgrade is to add another (or 3) SSD to play with raid on those (get an SSD - load times just disappear, but that's a comment for a different article) :D

I just thought I should post this comment because I'm seeing some bad info about the i7 not overclocking. The i7 overclocks easier/better than almost any CPU I've ever seen (and that's a lot). Personally, I care about what performance I can actually get without exotic sub-zero temps on LN2 or phase change cooling. And, I care a lot more about real-world performance that I can get today on hardware that I can buy today. I've already heard whispers of numbers for 32nm Westmere and early ES for SB. The feeling where I work (an MP ecosystem provider) is that AMD is now relegated to the bargain bin and Phenom II isn't going to change that. AMD's manufacturing challenges coupled with a waning architecture and bad management decisions plus the dramatic slow-down in demand for AMD product all spells near and long-term trouble. I just couldn't in good conscious recommend jumping into that mess to anyone. But don't take my word for it - there's plenty of publicly available info about AMD's future tech and future as a business out there.

The only demand I'm seeing for AMD products is for GPUs and (shrinking) demand for Opterons. It's sad, but that's just the state of things right now. Maybe they've still got something up their sleeve to stave off Intel - but it sure isn't going to be this first gen of Deneb/Phenom II. Trust me when I say this - AMD can't pull margins and they are hemorrhaging market share as I write this. I'm seeing virtually no interest in prep build-out for Phenom II/Dragon as all focus is on the volume that Intel commands. What that means is that even if AMD can ramp production of Deneb faster than any launch in their history (and that's not happening), there just isn't ecosystem support. Nobody is willing to gamble any money right now and none of our partners are putting resources into Deneb, let alone optimizing Dragon. It's just too much of a risk while the blue team is offering a much safer bet. That's just the sad truth - at least for the moment.

The Phenom II isn't even going to be readily available for quite a while (word is that CES is just for media launch and it won't hit the channel even in limited qty until late Jan. or early Feb. - and prices will be high compared to expected price drops in core i7). You can get a cheap i7 today (I paid more for my mobo than I did for my CPU) and game away for weeks before Phenom II even shows up at retail.

It's great that we can supercool early ES and get high OCs - but as others have noted, there's little practicality in that.

Just my $0.02 worth - your mileage may vary ;-)


Well the main thing is that Phenom II is actually coming :)
If it is good enough even better! I don't wont to see only one CPU maker in future. The i7 still have an edge, because of production technology, but if Phenom II can actually give some fight and be profitable, that is the main thing. Then people can chose what they want to have, depending on what they need.


Sep 18, 2008

I own a Q6600, currently OC'd to 3.2 Ghz and it scored a 16.772 on the 1M SuperPi run.


Nov 29, 2007
we should not bash AMD's new Phenom as it is still not out yet. But if AMD can be in between Core i7 and 45nm Core 2 Quad's AMD has made a huge leap forward. I'm not impressed with the gaming aspect of Core i7.
Personally, I'm not waiting for AMD to come out with more competitive CPUs anymore. I do think I'll grab a couple of their GPUs after Christmas, though as they are just dirt cheap.

Thats good to say just a few weeks prior to actually knowing how ell these cpus will perform. Its like swimming the channel , getting half way accross, then deciding its too far, and starting back, and then claiming so. The AM3's will be too close to i7 in gaming to make such claims, unless Intel drops their prices on them. i7 is not a great gaming cpu, but I believe we will see that Deneb is a very nice one, and at its pricing, will hold its own


hahahaha, 4.9 ghz...


AMD THEMSELF SAYS: 1000 MHZ for superclocking using LN2.

PHENOM 2 USES: SOI TECH!!! @ 45 NM, the voltages are 1.35 V yes, and 1.5 V on them are perfectly fine, DONT COMPARE Phenom 1, Core 2 and Core 7 voltages... EVER!

Phenom 2 isnt meant to compare versus the core 7 directly.

Phenom 2 940 mspr 299 usd :)




Nov 5, 2007
Not I was saying Indeed to this post
anyone else notice that the picture at which the time was taken says the clock was only @ 4ghz?

http://www.tomshardware.com/galler [...] -png-.html

So at 4ghz it got 17.769 seconds the multiplier is only at 20x on the picture that shows the pi calculations when the 4.9ghz is at 24x
which some reason wasn't quoted in my post. I was not saying Indeed to navvara post.
[citation][nom]iocedmyself[/nom]Well as i'm one of the lucky few to have a 3ghz stock phenom II ES chip i don't have any doubt that it's a vast improvement over phenom and competitive with i7 at same clock. Phenom II and I7 both clocked to 3.6ghz using a 4870x2 to compare GTA IV performance, in 1280x1024 the phenom II did 55.6 FPS, the I7 did 61 or 62. The most noteable difference being that 3.6 for Deneb chips on air still leaves lots of head room to overclock,(1.375v with 40c 100% load temp) where as the I7 was shown to top out at 80C load running 3.8 with benchmarks failing, and 4 ghz the I7 approaced 100c with benchmarks failing.Using an asus 790GX is far from ideal for high overclock, max clock with a DuOrb heatsink was 4.6ghz and change at 1.575v while far from stable....hey who cares it's air cooled.Yes the default vcore for deneb may be 1.35, yet it hasn't given me any problems running 1.0625v @ 3ghz.[/citation]

If you actually look at GTA IV benchmarks those 6 or so extra FPS is actually a massive leap, a 3.6ghz Q9xxx series looses to an i7 at 3ghz so that 6 fps difference is prolly another ~800mhz needed on that P2 to match it atleast, and WERE ENTHUSIASTS - WE USE EXOTIC COOLING AND STUFF LIKE THAT, if i can get more performance on a hotter chip, id do it.


Dec 24, 2008
I for one am very interested in how AMD does with extreme cooling and am skipping i7 for Deneb simply because I want to give AMD my business. I have a 3 stage cascade with Deneb written all over it....

My current gaming setup is fine (QX9650 running at a stable 4.7ghz under SS roughly -42c using r507 and a Danfoss nf11fx). So my reasoning for purchasing a new system is not out of need.

Again its time to give AMD some business for a CPU that will game exceptionally well and to give it that business now before its too late. Imagine a world with only Intel. If intel has no competition do you really think they will spend as much money on research and development? With only intel producing new chips how often do you think we will see no product launches? I would think about that before you give intel any more of your money in 09....

We all know 09 is going to be a tough economic year and if we dont give AMD some support they simply wont make it.I for one am very interested in how AMD does with extreme cooling and am skipping i7 for Deneb simply because I want to give AMD my business. I have a 3 stage cascade with Deneb written all over it....

My current gaming setup is fine (QX9650 running at a stable 4.7ghz under SS roughly -42c using r507 and a Danfoss nf11fx). So my reasoning for purchasing a new system is not out of need.

Again its time to give AMD some business for a CPU that will game exceptionally well and to give it that business now before its too late. Imagine a world with only Intel. If intel has no competition do you really think they will spend as much money on research and development? With only intel producing new chips how often do you think we will see no product launches? I would think about that before you give intel any more of your money in 09....

We all know 09 is going to be a tough economic year and if we dont give AMD some support they simply wont make it.


Oct 24, 2008
They didn't adjust the hypertransport as was said by AMD was needed to achieve 6ghz on l2n and a lot of other sites have also noted. So hopefully next oc'ing Toms will remember to adjust it.


Apr 22, 2008
they could have achieved more atleast above 5Ghz if they wanted to max it.
Tomshardware just suck at OCing that is all i guess. epecialy when you guys try to do it with AMD it seems you always use cheaper coolers and lower end stuff on there parts then you guys do on intels Products. for example the overclocked phenom II against the Core I7 920 you guys used a high-end thermaltake cooling solution for intels part but only a boxed cooler on AMD's phenom so no wonder they didn't got it further then that. its not the point that Core i7 is faster but that you guys dont take out the full potential of the CPU. for Phenom II i would say get 4GHZ out of it and Core I7 might end up around the same max and would be atleast 20% faster then phenom II but i would have liked to see maxed compared numbers to know the exact diffrence
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