I recently bought a r5 5500 and a B550M ds3h and I've had some issues with them so far. Firstly, the cpu came with some bent pins, that I was able to straighten and fits perfectly into the socket. Secondly, my pc would not see more than 2 ram slots, although all of them were populated. Reseated the cup and screwed in the cooler more than I was comfortable with, which seems to have solved the issue.
But every time I am entering any browser, there are some weird artifacts showing up, and every single page is crashing, despite trying 3 browsers, despite the page I was loading (I'm getting crashes even on a blank page). The error message I'm receiving on chrome is "STATUS_ACCEES_VIOLATION" which I've read that it's due to a faulty cpu.
But what's even weirder is that under synthetic stress tests on the cpu and RAM, these artifacts disappear and all pages are loading, although a bit slower because the ram is 95% full and cpu at 100%. So, here are the things I am suspecting:
1. The cpu is indeed faulty
2. The bios needs to be updated
3. I might have to undevolt the cpu
4. The motherboard is faulty
5. The psu is not strong enough (very unlikely based on what I've seen so far)
6. I need to do something in the bios regarding the pcie version of the GPU, but I could not find that setting. I suppose the mobo sees the gpu pcie as a 4.0 and the cpu does not support 4.0 from what I'm aware of.
Specs on the pc I am having issues with:
Ryzen 5 5500
Rx 5600xt
B550M ds3h
Kingston nv2 1tb and kingston a400 (currently I have the a400 because that's the ssd that I used on the old build and I have some stuff to test)
Psu Segotep I believe 500w bronze 85% efficiency
4x16gb ram corsair vengeance 3200 cl16 (xmp not enabled, currently running at 2133)
Specs on the pc where everything works fine
I5 6500
Rx 5600xp
B150m hds
Kingston a400
Psu Segotep the one from the above
2x16gb hyperx fury 2133 (tested the corsair ones and were working fine)
Later updates: I can play some games but, for example, if I try playing Black Desert, the game simply crashes right when the terrain loads.
Ram does not seem faulty, works perfectly fine in the i5 system.
Cpu temps under full load for a long time are fine, staying at a strong 50°, peak was 63°
No issues appear within the synthetic test program (which is supposed to show any issues).
I've also tried the GPU in the 2nd pcie slot, same artifacts, but less frequent and I was actually able to load some pages.
I'll try attaching some photos of the artifacts in the comments.
Any suggestion is welcome, thanks!
But every time I am entering any browser, there are some weird artifacts showing up, and every single page is crashing, despite trying 3 browsers, despite the page I was loading (I'm getting crashes even on a blank page). The error message I'm receiving on chrome is "STATUS_ACCEES_VIOLATION" which I've read that it's due to a faulty cpu.
But what's even weirder is that under synthetic stress tests on the cpu and RAM, these artifacts disappear and all pages are loading, although a bit slower because the ram is 95% full and cpu at 100%. So, here are the things I am suspecting:
1. The cpu is indeed faulty
2. The bios needs to be updated
3. I might have to undevolt the cpu
4. The motherboard is faulty
5. The psu is not strong enough (very unlikely based on what I've seen so far)
6. I need to do something in the bios regarding the pcie version of the GPU, but I could not find that setting. I suppose the mobo sees the gpu pcie as a 4.0 and the cpu does not support 4.0 from what I'm aware of.
Specs on the pc I am having issues with:
Ryzen 5 5500
Rx 5600xt
B550M ds3h
Kingston nv2 1tb and kingston a400 (currently I have the a400 because that's the ssd that I used on the old build and I have some stuff to test)
Psu Segotep I believe 500w bronze 85% efficiency
4x16gb ram corsair vengeance 3200 cl16 (xmp not enabled, currently running at 2133)
Specs on the pc where everything works fine
I5 6500
Rx 5600xp
B150m hds
Kingston a400
Psu Segotep the one from the above
2x16gb hyperx fury 2133 (tested the corsair ones and were working fine)
Later updates: I can play some games but, for example, if I try playing Black Desert, the game simply crashes right when the terrain loads.
Ram does not seem faulty, works perfectly fine in the i5 system.
Cpu temps under full load for a long time are fine, staying at a strong 50°, peak was 63°
No issues appear within the synthetic test program (which is supposed to show any issues).
I've also tried the GPU in the 2nd pcie slot, same artifacts, but less frequent and I was actually able to load some pages.
I'll try attaching some photos of the artifacts in the comments.
Any suggestion is welcome, thanks!