Question Weird audio delay on videos ?

Jan 14, 2021
Hey guys I was wondering if someone here can help me. I recently switched to my friends old 980ti, from and AMD rx480 if that helps, and I noticed when I start videos or leave the video paused for at least 10 seconds on any website it takes a good 5 seconds for audio to start when I'm outputting to my TV. I've tried uninstalling the NVidia audio drivers, rolling back the drivers, and I even reinstalled windows but it's still happening! I saw this post about editing the registry for all the Powersettings in the registry but it still didn't work!

(1) Fix for nVidia HDMI Audio timeout issue (such as with AV Receiver connections) : nvidia (

Some other things I tried-

I tried switching the cable, Microsofts HD audio drivers, changing the power settings for realtek just in case, reinstalled nvidia drivers, changed browsers, changed nvidia 3d settings for maximum power and unplugged and replugged the audio cable and video card.

I'm not sure what to try next any help would be greatly appreciated!
Use DDU from safe mode To remove all video drivers and then reboot and install the correct drivers

Remove all the audio drivers to in safe mode so when you reboot windows will ask for the drivers and then give it the correct drivers
Sorry for the late reply I was out of commission for a bit. So I tried the DDU option and it didn't seem to help but then I went back and updated all the drivers that my motherboard had again, like the firmware and all that, and my problem seems to be gone! Thanks for trying to help me guys I appreciate it!