Question weird "effect" on Cyberpunk's benchmark frame counter


Dec 29, 2014

I mean, what the hell causes this "ghost" effect, like going up and to the left...? I don't think I've ever noticed this before ... I have fiddled with several graphics settings, but no dice. Not that it's a big deal, but is this normal?
I think that mod doesn't apply to the in-game benchmark, only for in-game gameplay itself.
After further testing, yes, the mod DOES have an effect on the benchmark FPS counter, and other ingame fonts (as in the elevators). But I only found out later: one MUST turn this accessibility option ON:


Without the mod, this will only work for the fonts present in the HUD, but not ingame fonts.

So you need both the option switch ON, PLUS the mod in question.

No mod:

With mod:

Sorry about the late reply, but only today I started having headaches from this stupid useless effect, and vouched to finish it once and for all, even if I had to mod it myself. Thankfully this zyz232 guy did it, so kudos to him.
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