Weird lag on some games


Nov 7, 2017
Okay so, I've been trying to play Saints Row 3 but I just couldn't get a decent fps (30-40 fps) with it. This has also been happening with Assassin's Creed: Rogue. The weird part is, I can play CS:GO fine with ultra settings (120+ fps). Also the same with Sniper Elite 3 ultra settings (90+ fps). Left 4 Dead 2, NBA 2K17, and so on doesn't have that problem.

I tried experimenting with the settings of the both games but there was just no improvement.

My specs are:

AMD A8-5600K APU ~3.6ghz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Palit StormX 2GB
4GB of RAM (yes I know this is low but yeah other games have been fine with it.)
500 watts PSU
Windows 8.1 Pro

Let me know of any more needed information.

This is my first post so I don't know if I even put this on the right thread.
Saint's Row 3 is an old game at this point. It sounds like a driver might not be compatible with SR3. Try updating all your drivers, or if you just did that roll them back to the previous version.

But I've used this exact same card on another computer which has the same ghz only with an Intel i3 and has 8gb's of ram. That computer ran Saints Row 3 with high fps. And as I said earlier, I could run other games with high fps.