Weird Maximus IV E problem with intel RST


Jan 17, 2012
Hi All,

I have a very weird problem I could really use some help on.
My Maximus IV Extreme board was working well with a RAID 0 boot drive.
I noticed the bios updates to support larger drives for intel raids and I wanted a raid 0 of 2tb drives.
So I updated my bios to the most current 2105 which has Intel RST ROM.
No problems noticed...everything seemed to work great.

But then I went to update the intel rst drivers. BSOD every time (after rebooting from install)
Unfortunately the bsod flashed so quickly I couldnt ever read it (seriously...fraction of a second). I'm guessing it was a stop 7b.
I tried Intel's latest (10.8), I tried ASUS's suggested 10.5...all BSOD.

I finally got the drivers updated using intel's just released 11 series. BUT something is seriously wrong.
I cant do any all. And I dont just mean of the 4tb raid 0! i get the unknown device i/o error.
The raid 0 boot drive seems fine.
I tried just putting the empty 2tb drives and try to initialize and get the error. I put in an older 1tb drive and couldnt even partition that!
In the bios I can create the raid, but then cant initialize it with windows.

I cant completely wipe out the bios settings because I have a raid 0 boot drive, right?

Things I have tried:
Removed all OC...stock everything
I downgraded the bios to 1409 which has intel 10.5 ROM and have the same problem.
I downgraded to my original bios and then re-upgraded to 2105 with same result.

Thanks (very much!) for any help on this issue
To prevent the BSOD disappearing, use F8 to get the safe mode, etc. boot options, and choose the option to not reboot on error. My guess about the partitioning errors would be that the driver needs a BIOS version with a newer RST ROM, so if that is correct you'll have to stick with an older driver version.

OK...I havent tried rebuilding the whole array yet, but I'm getting there.
Are you sure about needing them as a pair?? Asus latest bios has Intel RST OROM 10.6 but they only have Intel RST Drivers of 10.5. Intel's website pushes 10.8.
I'm willing to try anything though at this point! I will download and report back

I also have figure out some more info but havent resolved this by far

So my current Config is :
Intel 10.6 orom with RST drivers 11.0
2x256gb 3gbs RAID 0 boot drive
I also have 2x2tb drives and a 3tb 6gbs drive.

If I plug ANY of the large drives into the 6gbs ports, I get BSOD with stop ED, unmountable_boot_volume.
I have tried booting from UBD and get a different BSOD, even tried trinity and it could not read from the intel controller.
If I plug in a single 2tb drive into 3gbs port, I cannot partition it, but if it is already partitioned it seems to work fine
If I plug in the single 3tb drive into 3gbs port, it does not work at all...Windows sees a drive but wrong params, etc
(This MB also has a 2x6gbs marvell controller than can read all the disks fine, so I know the disks are good)

So I guess my big question is has anyone upgraded to Intel OROM 10.5+ and used 2tb+ drives in raid mode???
(not in a raid, havent gotten there yet!...just a non-member disk)