Weird mouse lag when in game


Dec 10, 2012
I'm experiencing very slight mouse lag when I'm in game. By lag I don't mean that it just cuts out and doesn't do anything for a bit I mean it seems to have a slow response time. When i move my mouse it feels like the cursor takes a split second to start moving. It's like the game has difficulty catching up to where the cursor is going. Feels like it's always one frame behind.

It's not unplayable. The lag is only a split second and barely affects my aiming but it's noticeable. Also this happens in games i get 60+ fps in. Does anybody else experience this and have a solution?

My mouse is WIRED btw. It's an ANKER high precision mouse if that helps but I've experienced this with other mice before.


I doubt if it's your mouse. I've found in the past it's normally caused by incorrect graphics settings. While ingame check your video/graphics settings. Change them to the native display resolution and refresh rate of your screen. For most screens up to 20" you'd be looking at 1366x768, above you should be looking at 1920 x 1080 but i would try the first if your unsure. Your refresh rate should be either 59Hz or 60Hz.
which games and what gfx card you using.
if its farcry 3 then turn down the render ahead to 1. if its set to 0 or 3 then that could be the reason for it.
if its an nvidia card make sure the render ahead limit is not more than 2. 2 and above can cause mouse lag.
also the usb your using is it direct to the motherboard and not a hub? as some hubs have circuits in them that cause delays.
what dpi you set it at? have you been using the windows mouse speed slider?
try setting the mouse x to 3200 and the mouse y to 1800 then move the mouse speed slider down till it takes about 1 inch of hand movement to go from the top of the screen to the bottom. your mouse should then match your screens ratio of 16/9
also make sure you turn off enhanced pointer precision
as for the mouse i have 1 also. i was lucky enough to be sent 1 and have no such issues.