Question Weird problem with Windows Explorer

Hi, so for the past 6 months or so, I have been experiencing some weird errors regarding Windows Explorer.
First time I noticed this was when I was playing Cyberpunk, and my GPU's TDP, Fan curve and VRAM, which is usually around 5GB in-game, all randomly jumped to 100% and my FPS clogged.
I opened task manager only to find that "Windows Explorer" was burning red, at a power usage of Very High, and I immediately ended it in Task Manager and everything came back to normal. Then after 20 minutes it happened again, and I had to repeat the process.
This also happens every time that I run my PC, even on idle, without having the Task Manager opened in the background, and it is not tied to any sort of application or game, just happens randomly, out of the blue.
I have tried searching for a fix for this online but found nothing.
I have been thinking of reinstalling windows once I buy a RTX 3080 as a upgrade to see if the issue will be resolved.
Any guesses what the issue could be?
I have speculations that I have mistakenly installed some mining virus that is running in the background, as I do not understand how the GPU usage could spike to a 100% all of a sudden.
Any guesses what the issue could be?
#1 Malware.
#2 Background OS tasks (e.g scheduled tasks like OS update).

So, run AV scan and check your system. E.g MalwareBytes free edition.

Also, to see which programs hog your system resources, download and run Process Explorer,

Guide on how to understand it,

I have been thinking of reinstalling windows
Just reinstall? Or clean install? Since there's a diff between the two.

Clean install formats your OS drive and installs Win anew. This will get rid of all software issues (file corruption, bloatware and malware, except firmware rootkits).
Just reinstall (or repair), will keep your personal files. But also keeps the bloatware and malware.
#1 Malware.
#2 Background OS tasks (e.g scheduled tasks like OS update).

So, run AV scan and check your system. E.g MalwareBytes free edition.

Also, to see which programs hog your system resources, download and run Process Explorer,

Guide on how to understand it,

Just reinstall? Or clean install? Since there's a diff between the two.

Clean install formats your OS drive and installs Win anew. This will get rid of all software issues (file corruption, bloatware and malware, except firmware rootkits).
Just reinstall (or repair), will keep your personal files. But also keeps the bloatware and malware.
Thank you so much!
I will try those things tonight when I get home from work.

Just reinstall? Or clean install? Since there's a diff between the two
Well I planned to do a basic reinstall on my ssd, but I think doing a clean install will be better.
I am debating on whether or not to buy a new m.2 and install win 11 on it and get rid of my ssd, or, format the existing ssd and do a clean install of w11 on it.
I am debating on whether or not to buy a new m.2 and install win 11 on it and get rid of my ssd, or, format the existing ssd and do a clean install of w11 on it.
Your call.

Since you didn't list your full system specs (including PSU), i don't know what M.2 drive you have. Or how old it is. Thus, i can't say if you should keep your current one or go with new drive.
Don't I have my specs in my signature?
I see them, but often than not, it contains old info. Also, you didn't say that in your sig, there is accurate info.

Your P210 256GB is small and old. And since your MoBo has one M.2 Gen3 slot (aka PCI-E 3.0), then i suggest you look towards Samsung 970 Evo Plus,

Best M.2 Gen3 drive there is. Heck, even i use it as OS drive, but mine is 2TB in size (Skylake build, specs + pics in my sig).
970 Evo Plus review:,5608.html

I'd suggest at least 1TB capacity. Enough for OS + personal data (and Steam games).

Other good options regarding M.2 Gen3 drives;
* Samsung 980 (OS drive in my 2nd build, Haswell),

* Samsung 960 Evo (was OS drive in my Skylake build prior to 970 Evo Plus),