weird problems with the amd a10 7870k

Ultimate Ronin

Dec 3, 2014
So I just installed my new cpu which is a amd 10 7870k and all night it has been crashing and going to this blue screen with a tone of dialogue on the screen and at the bottom it says something about dumping memory. my pc build is a88xm-a asus motherboaed, gpu is a gtx 960 strix, ram is 8gb 1 stick, 500 gb ssd, and 430 bronz watts, and windows 7 64bit

At the top it says if this is the first time you have seen this screen then reset your computer then below that is telling me to reinstall any hardware or software that may be causing any issues then below that is the memory dump taking place.
No I mean here:

That is the code that tells why Windows crashed.
Write the complete technical info.

Ok so I reinstalled windows and it seemed to have fixed the problem haven't gotten any blue screen all day so far. Im not sure what the code was but it hasn't been happening anymore. Also I went into the bios in startup and i went to advanced settings and i changed the memory from the automatic preset to 1600 mhz and thats when it actually stopped crashing to blue screen. Then I went to the cpu settings and disabled some things after that i had no more crashes. But just to be sure I reinstalled windows 7. It's working fine so far I hope I fixed it but still not sure.
So i just crashed again and the code I got was 0000000000000000005 then kept going with 0s

Ok I have the full code 0x0000003b (0x00000000c0000005, 0xfffff80002eb77a0, 0xfffff8800ae6ecb0, 0x0000000000000000

Ronine I think your problem maybe that you are under powered. The gtx 960 requires 400watts and I think you are running a 430watts PSU and the A10 7870 is rated at 95Watts. If the CPU is under powered you will get all sorts of errors.

Hope this helps, I just purchased the same MoBo, CPU and I have the Samsung SSD 850 500gb. I will be running 2x R9 280x Video cards .. but I have a ASUS 850watt PSU.
I seem to be having a similar issue, but not because of a memory leak, or an insufficient power supply however I get the blue screen message asking me to "reinstall windows" when I overclock my ram from 2133mhz to 2400mhz. Now let me explain, I know my mobo can handle 2400mhz because its stated on the box, and on the website I bought it from, as well as listed in the BIOS itself. I have Kingston Hyperx fury 2X4 8GB ram in dual channel with out the box clocks at 1866mhz, my motherboard is a Gigabyte A88XM-D3H, and I am using an AMD A10 7870K as well. I manage to clock the ram from 1866mhz to 2133mhz, but the only way I am able to do that is if I set the voltage to 1.6V, and if I go up to 2400mhz, then I get crashes that send me to a blue screen, and sometimes the system won't boot at all.

I've read about plenty of people managing to clock this exact same ram to 2400mhz and even a little higher, but for some reason when I try to do it just doesn't seem to want to work. I've tried adjusting the voltage again to , adjusting the timings (unfortunately I'm not that knowledgeable of timings to really understand what I'm doing here, but I get the jist of it), as well as messing with the North Bridge clock speeds. Now here is the weird thing about the North Bridge, I understand that it is suppose to be 3x the frequency of my ram's clock speeds, but when I set the NB anywhere past 2100mhz, then the system crashes. Which is quiet odd because my manual states that it supports up to 6000mhz OC for the North Bridge, so I'm not understanding this part. You true clock speed is half the ram's base which is 1866/2=933, so in theory my NB OC speed should be 2799, but like I said it will just crash.

With that being said, the whole point is that since I'm relying solely on the APU, for now, I don't have a dedicated GPU in my system, so I really need to advantage off as much power as I can squeeze out of this system, meaning ram speeds, or anything and I know I can get more it just won't budge for me. Also, I have updated BIOS and everything, so could someone be kind enough to help resolve my issue?
hey, i just build pc and the specs was like yours. amd a10-7870k, asus a68hm, corsair vengeance pro 2x4gb 2133mhz, 400 watts psu, windows 8.1 64bit. i just update my mobo bios to the newest one and look for your windows version...bluescreen is gone now. sorry for my english