At the living room there is an Apple router/HDD connected to the modem and it broadcasts internet to the whole apartment, which ain't big. It used to be good, but now it's oscilates like crazy, and these oscilations are kinda long term (over 4, 5 hours of durations), even tho the signal strenght is always shown as EXCELLENT (it's an Alfa wi-fi adapter). The laptop also suffers from the same problem, but if I run speed test on it and gradually move to the living room the speeds go up and up until, from a distance of around 8 feet ut reaches full speed.
I cannot understand why this happens, the rouer is connected VERY near a bunch of power outlets and it gets kinda hot in there sometimes, can that be it? Thanks!
I cannot understand why this happens, the rouer is connected VERY near a bunch of power outlets and it gets kinda hot in there sometimes, can that be it? Thanks!