99 out of 100 hard drives that fail, will be SEAGATE, so don't even bother saying that seagate is innovating. I just tested 4 WD hard drives. They were tossed into my trunk, drove on(no padding) for 2 weeks. I left all 4 of them out in the rain for 3 days. Each has a power cycle reaching 2000. Cleaned them off, put them in the computer ran extended SMART tests and not one problem with any of them.
Yet I have had hundreds of customers, spending thousands of dollars (one customer had to spend 28k to get his data back) on their SEAGATE drives.
HITACHI and WD are the only two companies that actually make long term storage a possibility. Even the Seagate "enterprise" drives fail at a M U C H higher rate than WD or HITATCH combined.
If you honestly believe that Seagate makes nice hard drives, then you are simply "playing the part" and have no real world experience.