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In case my last post didn't answer your question, get STTNG! I was also
deciding between WH2O and STTNG about two years ago, and although I
thought WH2O was fun, I was blown away when I tried the STTNG. I
remembered disliking the TV show, so I was avoiding it for just that
reason. But the game was so awesome that I got it anyway and haven't
been able to find another game I like better since. And now that I'm
used to the superpin "wide body" design, I call standard width games
"narrow body." They just seem small in comparison.
Now, after all these years of avoiding the TV show because I thought it
stunk when it came out, I've been renting the DVD's online and
discovering they're actually pretty good! I started with Descent I and
II (season 6 disc 7, season 7 disc 1, learned about it here on rgp)
just to see the Borg ship that's on the game. Those were pretty
entertaining, so now I'm going back to earlier seasons and plan to work
my way through the whole collection. Who are the Ferengi and
Cardassians? Guess I'll find out. I think Q was pretty funny, but
haven't seen one of his recently.
So, moral of the story, even if you don't like, or don't remember
liking, the TV show, the game is fantastic. You might even find
yourself a closet fan of the show someday like me.
Kevin wrote:
> Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
> Fun factor?
> Thanks
> Kevin