WH20 vs STTNG??



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Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
Fun factor?

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Again I will be the first to throw my hat into the ring- STTNG is miles
beyond Whitewater. And it has great sound unlike Wwater which sounds
like bad talk show music. Really bad.

Kevin wrote:
> Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
> Fun factor?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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It's not even close: ST:TNG is waaaaayyyyyy better. Better music,
better modes, better wizard mode, better multiball, etc. At one time
they sold for about the same dollar, now a nice ST:TNG commands a
higher price and for a reason 🙂 Get a ST:TNG, you won't be


Kevin wrote:
> Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
> Fun factor?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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Now I own both (well I will tomorrow when I pickup WH2O), but this is a
tough one. I'll give the edge to STTNG, but I don't think WH2O is all
that far behind really. Not like everyone else here is saying. It's
fun for a completely different set of reasons. It doesn't have quite
as much as STTNG in modes, etc, but it does have long term
replayability for me. Here's one plus for both games. They are both
hard. This should keep the appeal long term for either title. WH2O is
hard in the FH sense, where games can end very quickly, and it lacks a
ball saver, which makes it all the better in my opinion. Old school
charm in a mid 90's package. STTNG has those darn outlanes, which make
the game very hard. I'm not sure I "like" them, however.

Either way I don't think you can go wrong, but play both first if
possible and then decide.

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LOL! STtNG by a landslide.....

W2o = "parts machine"



"Kevin" <KevineglerNOSPAM@cox.net> wrote in message news:lISAe.75414$Fv.34014@lakeread01...
> Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
> Fun factor?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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Well I really don't like Wwater at all, so I'm biased enough to say by
whatever means do it. But on a financial level, yeah that's great. If
you can trade a Wwater + $400 for the STTNG, there's nothing wrong with
that deal at all. And you are going to end up with a much better game.
I had em side by side for a few weeks and whenver I THOUGHT I was
starting to like wwater a little, and played a game of the Star Trek,
I'd just kind of feel sorry for the wwater.

Kevin wrote:
> Thanks very one there opinion.
> Here's the "Deal"...I have had my white water for 2 years and I am
> getting a little bore with it. Friend near me was a STTNG for sale. 2000
> Will sell my WH2O for 1600+400. Does this like a good deal????
> Kevin
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PT wrote:

> Whitewater seems more reliable and has less stuff to deal with
> repairing. It has an old school feel. The sound is terrible due to
> the pre-DCS sound card. It's a rush when you are having a good game.
> I like it because I can have a good game in less than twenty minutes.
Don't blame the card dude. It's got bad sound cause it was DESIGNED
that way. I love the sound on CFTBL, T2, Dr Who, Drac, and a number of
other games. Even...FIREPOWER...which is 25 years old. The sound on
WWater is terrible because for some reason the designers thought it
would be cool to put the worst possible music and sound effects in the
game. Pre-DCS has absolutely nothing to do with it.
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The answer to the video mode being too easy is to just not play it
(once you've mastered it, until then it's fun, try picking a different
route each time). When given the Holodeck choices, either just take the
25M or play Poker with Riker. Now let's see how many artifacts you have
when you get to FF. Makes your scores seem more legit, and you know
you've really earned that billion points if you can get it. It's
amazing how many FF's I've had with 3 artifacts. Grrrr. While you're at
it, remove Holodeck as a skill shot choice (prevents getting a ball
lock if lock is lit), and allow just 1 or no ball locks. Same
philosophy, *earn* your multiball. Now please don't ask me about
kickback settings and "corrected" outlanes, I want to sound like a
tough guy.

Now, just to vent, I seem to be in the habit now of getting to WF8 to
light extra ball, then I start Worm Hole or Seach the Galaxy. I nail
the left orbit, then I complete the combo for the Worm Hole/Delta shot,
but, wait, I just started WF9 so I don't get an artifact! Yarrrrgghhh.
Then I can't recover once WF9 times out, or I just drain. Okay, done.
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I own both of them and love them both for different reasons. STTNG is more
a players game, where as WH2o is more a casual players game / easier to pick
up what to do etc. STTNG is not a game that someone that does not play
pinball will play alot and enjoy. At parties of my 3 machines Wh20 and
Getaway get played on average 2x more then STTNG. People play it but they
dont get it right off and the cannons are confusing to them and the move to
WH20 or Getaway.

I would not sell either one of them though both are keepers as is Getaway
(my 2nd one, sold 1st and regretted it).

Cant stress enough go PLAY them both before hand if you can afford both get
them both.


"Kevin" <KevineglerNOSPAM@cox.net> wrote in message
> Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
> Fun factor?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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Thanks very one there opinion.

Here's the "Deal"...I have had my white water for 2 years and I am
getting a little bore with it. Friend near me was a STTNG for sale. 2000
Will sell my WH2O for 1600+400. Does this like a good deal????

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The dollars issue all depends on condition.

Seems reasonable IF conditions are similar.



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"Kevin" <KevineglerNOSPAM@cox.net> wrote in message
> Here's the "Deal"...I have had my white water for 2 years and I am
> getting a little bore with it. Friend near me was a STTNG for sale. 2000
> Will sell my WH2O for 1600+400. Does this like a good deal????
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In case my last post didn't answer your question, get STTNG! I was also
deciding between WH2O and STTNG about two years ago, and although I
thought WH2O was fun, I was blown away when I tried the STTNG. I
remembered disliking the TV show, so I was avoiding it for just that
reason. But the game was so awesome that I got it anyway and haven't
been able to find another game I like better since. And now that I'm
used to the superpin "wide body" design, I call standard width games
"narrow body." They just seem small in comparison.

Now, after all these years of avoiding the TV show because I thought it
stunk when it came out, I've been renting the DVD's online and
discovering they're actually pretty good! I started with Descent I and
II (season 6 disc 7, season 7 disc 1, learned about it here on rgp)
just to see the Borg ship that's on the game. Those were pretty
entertaining, so now I'm going back to earlier seasons and plan to work
my way through the whole collection. Who are the Ferengi and
Cardassians? Guess I'll find out. I think Q was pretty funny, but
haven't seen one of his recently.

So, moral of the story, even if you don't like, or don't remember
liking, the TV show, the game is fantastic. You might even find
yourself a closet fan of the show someday like me.

Kevin wrote:
> Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
> Fun factor?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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Love both but if stuck on an island with only 1 pin I would say STTNG.


"Kevin" <KevineglerNOSPAM@cox.net> wrote in message
> Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
> Fun factor?
> Thanks
> Kevin
Archived from groups: rec.games.pinball (More info?)

Jeez I am surprised with all of these pro STTNG responses. Really surprised.
Sure it is newer, has better sound, more modes, more toys or whatever -- but
that does not make always make a game better.

White Water is a better game. Easily. In my view, it is not much of a
contest. WW is much more fun and rewarding to play.

I sold STTNG after not even owning it for that long. Never really missed it
at all. White Water is a keeper that I do not see myself ever selling except
to replace with a nicer one.

- Kevin

PinBotz -- Enhancements for Classic Pinball Machines

"Kevin" <KevineglerNOSPAM@cox.net> wrote in message
> Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
> Fun factor?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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You need to buy both. Different style of play, speed and adrenaline factor.
Both great in their own ways. If at all possible, you should get them both.


"Kevin" <KevineglerNOSPAM@cox.net> wrote in message
> Need your opinion?? Which is better? Playability?
> Fun factor?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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They are both good fun. WH20 seems to kick my ass on a daily
basis. It seems there are some that hate the sound in WH20 but it
doesnt seem to bother me. I actually like all the sounds except for Big
Foot. Since picking mine up recently I really enjoy it though. Its a
very gratifying game IMO. My WH20 page and additional observations are
here; http://www.habos-arcade.com/White%20Water.htm

As a fan of STTNG tv series I think that its one of the best
themed pins out there up with Twilight Zone. All the actors voices and
sounds are digitized into it. Its also a widebody pin with great
artwork. I dont own one but will one day.

Kevin - Check out "Q-Who" for the 1st appearance and 1st time the crew
dealt with the Borg. Its also a great Q episode .

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On Tue, 12 Jul 2005 14:04:06 -0400, Kevin wrote:
> Thanks very one there opinion.
> Here's the "Deal"...I have had my white water for 2 years and I am
> getting a little bore with it. Friend near me was a STTNG for sale. 2000
> Will sell my WH2O for 1600+400. Does this like a good deal????

Swap machines for a couple of months, *then* decide. 🙂

36. I will not imprison members of the same party in the same cell block, let
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key to the cell door on my person instead of handing out copies to every
bottom-rung guard in the prison. --Peter Anspach's Evil Overlord List