For reference, this Motherboard is being recovered from an old Acer Aspire. I disassembled the thing a while ago, pre pandemic, and decided why not reassemble it recently. I tried it with og config, no luck. PSU was making hum that meant it was receving power, but the computer wasn't turning on. New CPU, and it made about 3-4 POP sounds(Fans, not psu). After that, every time I tried to turn on the computer, the fans spinned for half a sec and the dvd light was on and everything before it gave up. I finally got the message that the psu was toast, so I replaced it with many working ones, pulled from working computers. It turned on which gave me hope, but now it doesn't display anything. Ik the motherboard is prob toast, but I want to know if there is any - and I mean ANY way I can get this thing to display anything. It's maybe the CPU's(the new cpu was a core 2 duo), but the core 2 duo works for sure(or, worked.) but if that's the case, I can just snag one off of ebay. This pc contains old memories which need to be recovered and we can't buy a sata to usb adapter rn. Please help!! (If this helps, I have a working HDD with Win 10 on it. The OG hdd works as well). Can share photos if needed. Sorry if this is a stupid question.