Question Motherboard not working - help needed!


Jan 21, 2022
For reference, this Motherboard is being recovered from an old Acer Aspire. I disassembled the thing a while ago, pre pandemic, and decided why not reassemble it recently. I tried it with og config, no luck. PSU was making hum that meant it was receving power, but the computer wasn't turning on. New CPU, and it made about 3-4 POP sounds(Fans, not psu). After that, every time I tried to turn on the computer, the fans spinned for half a sec and the dvd light was on and everything before it gave up. I finally got the message that the psu was toast, so I replaced it with many working ones, pulled from working computers. It turned on which gave me hope, but now it doesn't display anything. Ik the motherboard is prob toast, but I want to know if there is any - and I mean ANY way I can get this thing to display anything. It's maybe the CPU's(the new cpu was a core 2 duo), but the core 2 duo works for sure(or, worked.) but if that's the case, I can just snag one off of ebay. This pc contains old memories which need to be recovered and we can't buy a sata to usb adapter rn. Please help!! (If this helps, I have a working HDD with Win 10 on it. The OG hdd works as well). Can share photos if needed. Sorry if this is a stupid question.
Acer have a number of prebuilts around. What is the model and SKU to your Acer prebuilt?

New CPU, and it made about 3-4 POP sounds(Fans, not psu).
Please elaborate.

I finally got the message that the psu was toast, so I replaced it with many working ones, pulled from working computers.
Again, we don't know what you're working with since we're not there in person with you. You should mention the make and models of the PSU's used as well as their age, for the sake of relevance.

This pc contains old memories which need to be recovered and we can't buy a sata to usb adapter rn.
If your data so precious, recovering said data using a dock or another working system might be a better option than spending resources behind a system that might or might not work.
It is an M1610(AM1610-B1210A). Could not find the SKU, it is unique model as I can't find it anywhere.
The motherboard is something along the lines of this.
As for the pops, it was more of a muffled pop. The OG PSU is toast, I can tell you that.
I tested it with confirmed working CPU, no luck. Motherboard probably needs replacement.
Sorry for wasting time, just needed advice.
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