I can only try to point you in the right direction. You're going to have to open your own mind. There is no link between cell phones and cancer. Aspratame doesn't give you cancer either. JFK was shot by Oswald and we landed on the actual moon.
Radio Frequencies are emitted from lots of things. The biggest source nearby is the thermonuclear reaction converting hydrogen to helium at the center of our solar system we call the sun. The intensity of radio emissions is measured by their frequency. Lower frequencies contain low intensity radiation that interacts less with matter. Radio frequencies are the lowest frequencies on the spectrum. Cell phones sit at the high end of this chunk of the spectrum in what we typically call UHF. Typically to even perceive radio waves you need a sizeable bit of conducting material tuned to that frequency (a large antenna) which will induce a small electric current. Microwaves are next, used for some wireless traffic. Microwaves have limited interaction with matter. Microwave ovens function because many of the materials in our food do not absorb microwaves particularly well so we can cook food from the inside (water absorbs microwaves). Your skin is an extremely effective barrier against microwave radiation. Next up is infrared which we typically just call heat. It's more intense than what your cell phone puts out and is absorbed by most things... making them warmer. Humans are pretty good at perceiving large doses of infrared heat. They get hot. Next up is visible light. The sun puts out literally a blinding amount of it 24/7. Your cell phone puts out none. Next up is ultraviolet which can be very dangerous. It is absorbed by the skin and can give you skin cancer. It will not give you brain cancer or cause internal organ damage. Wear sunscreen! Your cell phone does not produce anything resembling these frequencies. Next is X-rays. The sun kicks out a tremendous amount of these but fortunately we're screened from most of it by the earth's magnetic field. The body has very little defense against x-rays and even in small doses are extremely dangerous. They have medical use because they are absorbed by our bones much more easily than our soft tissue but this is done in carefully measured and short bursts to avoid killing us. The cell phone cannot emit x-rays. If it emitted even a TINY bit of x-rays, we'd know very quick. They do not.