What are the correct Network Adapter Drivers?


Oct 29, 2015
Hello everyone,
I have recently had to reinstall my OS (Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit) because it was causing some performance issues on my PC. When I reinstalled it I was unable to connect to my internet using my Ethernet cable as I had previously, because it said I either had no operational network adapter or I had no drivers for said network adapter.

I am a little confused by this as it worked fine before the reinstall however it seems most likely that the reinstall just removed the drivers.

I did some research to see if I could find the drivers, download them onto a USB stick and then move them onto the PC. I went onto this site: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/18713/Network-Adapter-Driver-for-Windows-7- to download the drivers, (I did download the 64bit version of them), I then went back to my PC to install them however during the installation process it cancelled and said that it "Could not install drivers. No Intel(R) Adapters are present in this computer."

Does this mean that the network adapter is missing from my PC. I don't see how this is possible since it worked before the reinstall as I mentioned, although I don't know much about network adapters so this could be the issue. Or is it that there are different drivers for different companies and I need to find the right ones for my PC.

Feel free to ask more questions if you need to. Please just help as much as you can as I have had problems with my PC for a while now and would to get them fixed.

Thank you!


Oct 29, 2015

Which one? There is a list of different drivers. My first guess is that it's the LAN driver?


Oct 29, 2015

Yeah, I didn't really know much about what I was doing with it as it popped out of nowhere, but thanks for the tips!