Move Pagefile to HDD (some programs complain if it's disabled) or put it on a ramdisk if you are feeling fancy. Disable Hibernate (unless you really really need it, but it is taking 32GB of SSD space). Disable System Restore. Details:
Moving your temp folder will help prevent clutter.
You can move Windows 7 "Libraries" (My Documents/Downloads/etc) to another location by going to the default folder's properties.
There are also ways to move your Users and ProgramData folders, but they can be rather complex to implement, not for the faint of heart (the setup is the hard part, makes things rather easy to work with once it's done, I can give you details if you feel up to it).
I use Mklink (cmd line util in windows) to shuffle applications/games and such around, it's a bit of upkeep, but works well once you learn how to use it.
These steps put my Win7 64bit ultimate install at about 20GB or so, I have plenty of room on my 60GB SSD for a handful of games.
edit: Just to clearly state it, the version of Win7 doesn't significantly contribute to the install size. The hibernate and pagefile are going to be the big culprits for you right now; the users, temp, program data, and system restore can drag your space down over time if you don't address them.