What are these Final Fantasy games like?


Nov 18, 2013
I have been seeing the same ad on Tech Radar for quite some time now for a FF game coming out 03/20 but I have never played one nor have I even seen a YouTube video on one. If I were to get this would I need to play the previous ones first or not?

Final Fantasy is a series of role playing games. Some of them are chronologically related, but these are usually marketed as sequels.

For example, Final Fantasy X-2 is a sequel to Final Fantasy X (which is one of the best imo). Similarly, Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a sequel to Final Fantasy III (which is one of the worst from what I've heard). Other than that, there's no relationship between say Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII.

Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV are MMORPGs...

Final Fantasy is a series of role playing games. Some of them are chronologically related, but these are usually marketed as sequels.

For example, Final Fantasy X-2 is a sequel to Final Fantasy X (which is one of the best imo). Similarly, Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a sequel to Final Fantasy III (which is one of the worst from what I've heard). Other than that, there's no relationship between say Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII.

Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV are MMORPGs.

Final Fantasy Adventures is an action/adventure game much like Zelda.

Final Fantasy Tactics is a tile based strategy game. It's also amazing.

If you're into story driven RPGs, the Final Fantasy games are amongst the best on the market.
They share common elements like setting, magic, monsters and so on but each title has its own set of characters and story so you wont miss a thing (unless it's a direct sequel like FF 13, FF 13-2, FF 13-3).
On the 20th March (or 17th of March, depends on your region) Square will release Final Fantasy Type 0 HD, an HD version of the PSP hit (in japan) of FF Type 0. The game will be available on PS4 and Xbox1, and quite frankly its a pretty good game.