What are you playing this Spring/Summer (Video Games).

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Sep 1, 2021
I just picked up Hogwarts Legacy for Xbox One X - after wanting a physical copy but only have a Series S - I opted for this after digital foundry did a good break down on how it plays on all the last gen systems. So far its playing - and looking/feeling really good!

On my Series S - The Witcher 3 expacs then a new game + (for a 2nd time)....

May buy a game for my PC too - in July thinking of Elden Ring but considering Hogwarts wouldn't play on PC I doubt Elden Ring would do much better.

Looking forward to getting a Switch when Winter hits - waiting since I've never touched Zelda Breath/Wild nor Tears - and want to while its snowing out. haha.

So whatcha playing this coming season?
Lol, I got Metro Exodus for free on Steam and am checking it out.

I have gotten to where I don't buy many games anymore, I just check out all the good old games that pop up free.

Free games are the best right? =) I literally just got back into gaming this past Christmas as I got 2 pratically brand new xbox consoles, one last/current gen a piece. But otherwise on PC I play f2p mmo's or I did - but haven't since February. Burnt out on how childish people act on those games.
May buy a game for my PC too - in July thinking of Elden Ring but considering Hogwarts wouldn't play on PC I doubt Elden Ring would do much better.

Looking forward to getting a Switch when Winter hits - waiting since I've never touched Zelda Breath/Wild nor Tears

What are your PC specs btw ? Hogwarts is demanding on the hardware. I have beaten Elden Ring though. Liked the open-world dark souls-like atmosphere. Good game, but tough to beat.

And now for the bad news, my GPU just died last week. RIP AMD RX 480. So I'm left with only my igpu/onboard graphics. :neutral: My plans were to upgrade my PC, but given the recent PC AAA game disaster launches, I'm reluctant to try any new game these days.

I was hoping to compete and replay Hogwarts from the beginning this summer, at LOW settings on my PC, but now I have no clue what to do. New hardware has become very expensive these days, and I don't think most of new games are worth the purchase these days, if not all.

So I'm planning to get a SWITCH console instead now, and try the new The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which is a worthy contender, and there’s no disputing that it’s an extremely good game full of creative building and combat encounters, and an easy GOTY contender, if not a winner.

I have watched some YT video walkthroughs before making this decision.

This would be my FIRST game on Switch, so wish me luck, LOL Tears of the Kingdom is actually the biggest Nintendo release by revenue till now. In terms of units, the game only lags behind Wii Fit and combined sales of Pokémon games (namely: combined sales of Sun and Moon, and Scarlet and Violet).

So yes, I'm getting "Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" along with a new Switch console this June. And at the same time, I will just buy a previous-gen mainstream GPU like the GTX 1660 Super for my PC, and hop back into Hogwarts and finish it completely. The latest gen cards are overpriced.

The story and the voice acting is top notch in Hogwats Legacy though. For 1080p/60Hz gaming, the 1660 should do the job. And I mostly play OLD PC games, so the GPU horsepower is enough to game on 1080p, when paired with an Intel core i7 4790 processor.

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What are your PC specs btw ? Hogwarts is demanding on the hardware. I have beaten Elden Ring though. Liked the open-world dark souls-like atmosphere. Good game, but tough to beat.

And now for the bad news, my GPU just died last week. RIP AMD RX 480. So I'm left with only my igpu/onboard graphics. :neutral: My plans were to upgrade my PC, but given the recent PC AAA game disaster launches, I'm reluctant to try any new game these days.

I was hoping to compete and replay Hogwarts from the beginning this summer, at LOW settings on my PC, but now I have no clue what to do. New hardware has become very expensive these days, and I don't think most of new games are worth the purchase these days, if not all.

So I'm planning to get a SWITCH console instead now, and try the new The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which is a worthy contender, and there’s no disputing that it’s an extremely good game full of creative building and combat encounters, and an easy GOTY contender, if not a winner.

I have watched some YT video walkthroughs before making this decision.

This would be my FIRST game on Switch, so wish me luck, LOL Tears of the Kingdom is actually the biggest Nintendo release by revenue till now. In terms of units, the game only lags behind Wii Fit and combined sales of Pokémon games (namely: combined sales of Sun and Moon, and Scarlet and Violet).

So yes, I'm getting "Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" along with a new Switch console this June. And at the same time, I will just buy a previous-gen mainstream GPU like the GTX 1660 Super for my PC, and hop back into Hogwarts and finish it completely. The latest gen cards are overpriced.

The story and the voice acting is top notch in Hogwats Legacy though. For 1080p/60Hz gaming, the 1660 should do the job. And I mostly play OLD PC games, so the GPU horsepower is enough to game on 1080p, when paired with an Intel core i7 4790 processor.


GTX 1650 Max-Q - is my GPU.
i5 2.5ghz processor
16gb ram.

Also no monitor to hook it up to and gaming on these AAA titles at 15.6in screen...ugh I don't like. hehe =O =D

It doesn't do what I want so I'd rather play Hogwarts on last gen console - if that makes sense. Least I"m getting 30fps at between 1080-1440p according to Digital Foundry and on The Witcher 3 1080p at 60fps. Roughly.

I'm jealous about the Switch I won't get mine til' later in the year.
So I'm planning to get a SWITCH console instead now, and try the new The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which is a worthy contender, and there’s no disputing that it’s an extremely good game full of creative building and combat encounters, and an easy GOTY contender, if not a winner.
I actually got a Switch a few months ago just for BotW and Odyssey, but ended up re-visiting all the classics that the subscription got me (Altered Beast, A Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Super Mario 64, Banjoo Kazooie, Golden Eye, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, the list goes on and on...) so I'm yet to start with BotW :)
hence, be warned no to get swooped in like me haha
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What are your PC specs btw ? Hogwarts is demanding on the hardware. I have beaten Elden Ring though. Liked the open-world dark souls-like atmosphere. Good game, but tough to beat.

And now for the bad news, my GPU just died last week. RIP AMD RX 480. So I'm left with only my igpu/onboard graphics. :neutral: My plans were to upgrade my PC, but given the recent PC AAA game disaster launches, I'm reluctant to try any new game these days.

I was hoping to compete and replay Hogwarts from the beginning this summer, at LOW settings on my PC, but now I have no clue what to do. New hardware has become very expensive these days, and I don't think most of new games are worth the purchase these days, if not all.

So I'm planning to get a SWITCH console instead now, and try the new The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, which is a worthy contender, and there’s no disputing that it’s an extremely good game full of creative building and combat encounters, and an easy GOTY contender, if not a winner.

I have watched some YT video walkthroughs before making this decision.

This would be my FIRST game on Switch, so wish me luck, LOL Tears of the Kingdom is actually the biggest Nintendo release by revenue till now. In terms of units, the game only lags behind Wii Fit and combined sales of Pokémon games (namely: combined sales of Sun and Moon, and Scarlet and Violet).

So yes, I'm getting "Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom" along with a new Switch console this June. And at the same time, I will just buy a previous-gen mainstream GPU like the GTX 1660 Super for my PC, and hop back into Hogwarts and finish it completely. The latest gen cards are overpriced.

The story and the voice acting is top notch in Hogwats Legacy though. For 1080p/60Hz gaming, the 1660 should do the job. And I mostly play OLD PC games, so the GPU horsepower is enough to game on 1080p, when paired with an Intel core i7 4790 processor.

The new Zelda is pretty cool
The new Zelda is pretty cool

My only concern with Tears, is being on the sky islands - I say that as (no pun intended) I like ground based open world games. I don't even like ones that attempted to be multi-world/planet. Which is the concern I have over the "coming soon" Star Wars open world ubisoft game. Basically RPG's that stick to the terreain where it goes from grassy fields, to snow mountains,etc are what draw me in, minus Skyrim which just felt and still feels plain in the way leveling works. I guess I'm picky. haha. Breath of the Wild on the other hand has me hyped when the switch is in my hands, as from what I gather has everything I expect from Zelda and Open World. =)
My only concern with Tears, is being on the sky islands - I say that as (no pun intended) I like ground based open world games. I don't even like ones that attempted to be multi-world/planet. Which is the concern I have over the "coming soon" Star Wars open world ubisoft game. Basically RPG's that stick to the terreain where it goes from grassy fields, to snow mountains,etc are what draw me in, minus Skyrim which just felt and still feels plain in the way leveling works. I guess I'm picky. haha. Breath of the Wild on the other hand has me hyped when the switch is in my hands, as from what I gather has everything I expect from Zelda and Open World. =)
Have you played Red Dead 2 yet? You will probably love it
Have you played Red Dead 2 yet? You will probably love it

Yup! I do enjoy it, my only complaint is I always "accidentally" start missions then realize I need to manual save (which I dont think is possible in missions) to do real life stuff lol. Otherwise its great!
There are a group of games which, IMO, are almost too much for me to play. Since Skyrim, then such as Witcher, Red Dead, Elden Ring, Death Stranding, and titles like this are just SO LONG and involved to play. With the ongoing story lines and objectives I almost have to keep notes as to what I was doing and why. Particularly worsened if I stop playing for a while. I just don't often have the time to sit and grind them and finish. What ends up being the case is I will be about 40-50% into the game and simply don't know what to do when I haven't played for a couple of weeks.

I am going to beat a dead horse to mention it again, but I am still grinding Division 2. All of the season updates they have been doing have made this perhaps the best support I have ever seen in a game without asking me to pay more for the DLC. I think it is on sale right now as well. It is my favorite of my current games, mostly because it has such good content and a great solo campaign that so far has just gone on and on.
There are a group of games which, IMO, are almost too much for me to play. Since Skyrim, then such as Witcher, Red Dead, Elden Ring, Death Stranding, and titles like this are just SO LONG and involved to play. With the ongoing story lines and objectives I almost have to keep notes as to what I was doing and why. Particularly worsened if I stop playing for a while. I just don't often have the time to sit and grind them and finish. What ends up being the case is I will be about 40-50% into the game and simply don't know what to do when I haven't played for a couple of weeks.

I am going to beat a dead horse to mention it again, but I am still grinding Division 2. All of the season updates they have been doing have made this perhaps the best support I have ever seen in a game without asking me to pay more for the DLC. I think it is on sale right now as well. It is my favorite of my current games, mostly because it has such good content and a great solo campaign that so far has just gone on and on.

I think Witcher 3 and Skyrim esp can be exceptions to those things. You can save anytime you want and quit forever or come back in 2 minutes. But I do esp with Witcher 3 see where you could be like "whats happeneing" if you left for 2 months or even less and had a save that old. Nonetheless I get it. For me I quit MMO's for pretty much similar reason. Their ongoing - but moreso the communities suck, like bad right now. And with the state of things people just use them as soap boxes which isn't pleasant for people like us who just want to experience the game at its core. Division 2 always looked neat but went to far in the multiplayer territory for me - or am I thinking of the wrong franchise? So so many and I'm only returning to gaming in this "way"....as before I was exclusive to World of Warcraft, Diablo (on occassion) FF14, ESO,etc.
One other reason for me why I like dialogue whether its voiced or not and open world games its since prices of games went to 70 bucks, or heck to me even 50 - for say Resident Evil 4 (not bashing) its just to me, not worth it. You might get 20 hours, maybe. And its all linear which for most those two things are fine because its a solid story- if not great. But I just can't get myself to pay for a game like that where the path is laid out including the amount of hours total I"ll end up with it. lol. Dead Space will also probably have to be 5 dollars before I try it too. Similar situation.
I think Witcher 3 and Skyrim esp can be exceptions to those things. You can save anytime you want and quit forever or come back in 2 minutes. But I do esp with Witcher 3 see where you could be like "whats happeneing" if you left for 2 months or even less and had a save that old. Nonetheless I get it. For me I quit MMO's for pretty much similar reason. Their ongoing - but moreso the communities suck, like bad right now. And with the state of things people just use them as soap boxes which isn't pleasant for people like us who just want to experience the game at its core. Division 2 always looked neat but went to far in the multiplayer territory for me - or am I thinking of the wrong franchise? So so many and I'm only returning to gaming in this "way"....as before I was exclusive to World of Warcraft, Diablo (on occassion) FF14, ESO,etc.

Oh man, the older over the top Diablo and then Grim Dawn have eaten so many hours of my life. World of Warcraft was good for me in those older over the top versions but didn't really get into it for the later first-person versions. Soulstorm (I think I am confusing part of this with Warhammer 40K) was my absolute fave of that whole franchise. Tried and didn't like DOTA either...too clicky.

D2 can be played entirely solo in most areas. There are objectives that require going over to the multi side, I just skip them. There is a huge community of people who have worked out how to farm the best weapons and gear, recipes for crafting better equipment and so forth. I often find that moving over to multi-play in any similar title just ends in frustration. I do play a bit of Fortnite on the multi play type platform but almost always the first person dead while I am still trying to figure out inventory, lol.
Oh man, the older over the top Diablo and then Grim Dawn have eaten so many hours of my life. World of Warcraft was good for me in those older over the top versions but didn't really get into it for the later first-person versions. Soulstorm (I think I am confusing part of this with Warhammer 40K) was my absolute fave of that whole franchise. Tried and didn't like DOTA either...too clicky.

D2 can be played entirely solo in most areas. There are objectives that require going over to the multi side, I just skip them. There is a huge community of people who have worked out how to farm the best weapons and gear, recipes for crafting better equipment and so forth. I often find that moving over to multi-play in any similar title just ends in frustration. I do play a bit of Fortnite on the multi play type platform but almost always the first person dead while I am still trying to figure out inventory, lol.

Yeah Diablo 2 esp can eat your time lol. Diablo 3 got a bit boring for me just rift and rift. Diablo 4 from what I've played beta - is "just ok" its to big for me judging by how the end game is gonna be basically an MMORPG within Diablo top down view. I think its a hard yet easy pass for me. Unless Blizz gets bought by Xbox - and its on gamepass in which It'll get clicks from me simply because I pay for game pass anyway.
Yeah Diablo 2 esp can eat your time lol. Diablo 3 got a bit boring for me just rift and rift. Diablo 4 from what I've played beta - is "just ok" its to big for me judging by how the end game is gonna be basically an MMORPG within Diablo top down view. I think its a hard yet easy pass for me. Unless Blizz gets bought by Xbox - and its on gamepass in which It'll get clicks from me simply because I pay for game pass anyway.

Grim Dawn I like too just wish the DLC was cheaper, or when I played it.
Has anyone played Dragon Age Inquisition as well ? A pretty good RPG in my opinion. I never completed the full game though.

Currently I'm planning to play old-school FPS games on my onboard graphics now since my RX 480 died, like Hexen, Serious Sam 1, Heretic, DOOM/Duke Nukem 1996, Soldier of Fortune 1, QUAKE 2, Shadow Warrior (1997) and UNREAL 2, just to name a few. 😀 :gun:
Has anyone played Dragon Age Inquisition as well ? A pretty good RPG in my opinion. I never completed the full game though.

Currently I'm planning to play old-school FPS games on my onboard graphics now since my RX 480 died, like Hexen, Serious Sam 1, Heretic, DOOM/Duje Nukem 1996, Soldier of Fortune 1, QUAKE 2, Shadow Warrior (1997) and UNREAL 2, just to name a few. 😀 :gun:

I've tried Dragon Age Inquisition almost "endless" times but can't get over how bad - I feel the artstyle is. I loved the first two games when released but I honestly think continuing the artstyle in the ps4/xb1 era when graphics took only a slight leap at first was a mistake. I"ll probably never try it again - also the whole "mission board table" wasn't my cup of tea, not to mention mounts seemed oddly useless.
Has anyone played Dragon Age Inquisition as well ? A pretty good RPG in my opinion. I never completed the full game though.

Currently I'm planning to play old-school FPS games on my onboard graphics now since my RX 480 died, like Hexen, Serious Sam 1, Heretic, DOOM/Duke Nukem 1996, Soldier of Fortune 1, QUAKE 2, Shadow Warrior (1997) and UNREAL 2, just to name a few. 😀 :gun:

Quake 2 might be just about the best sequel to a FPS shooter , imo.
Quake 2 might be just about the best sequel to a FPS shooter , imo.
Both Quake 1 and 2 are pretty solid FPS.

But Quake 2 is still considered a classic, since they even released an RTX version of this game. But obviously it requires an RTX GPU, though some users have been successful in running the game on Pascal-based GeForce cards as well.

The ray tracing implementation was arguably more complete than most recent high-profile games that support Nvidia’s RTX-series GPUs, because they tend to focus on a single element such as shadows or reflections.

Quake 2 was the first to use a full path-tracing tech giving it unprecedented levels of lighting realism, and unifies all the lighting effects into a single ray-tracing algorithm.

Quake 3 was more like a fast-paced tournament and arena based FPS, mostly multiplayer, but can also be played offline with BOTS. My favorite is still Quake 4 though, since I really liked the story and graphics when it was released on PC.

I have replayed Quake 4 a dozen times till now.
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Both Quake 1 and 2 are pretty solid FPS.

But Quake 2 is still considered a classic, since they even released an RTX version of this game. But obviously it requires an RTX GPU, though some users have been successful in running the game on Pascal-based GeForce cards as well.

The ray tracing implementation was arguably more complete than most recent high-profile games that support Nvidia’s RTX-series GPUs, because they tend to focus on a single element such as shadows or reflections.

Quake 2 was the first to use a full path-tracing tech giving it unprecedented levels of lighting realism, and unifies all the lighting effects into a single ray-tracing algorithm.

Quake 3 was more like a fast-paced tournament and arena based FPS, mostly multiplayer, but can also be played offline with BOTS. My favorite is still Quake 4 though, since I really liked the story and graphics when it was released on PC.

I have replayed Quake 4 a dozen times till now.

Quake 4 is the only one I haven't played much of, in fact forgot a lot about it. Should I give it another go?
Quake 4 is the only one I haven't played much of, in fact forgot a lot about it. Should I give it another go?

It all depends on your personal gaming preferences. If you already have the game on PC, then you can try playing this old shooter, though only if you are a die-hard fan of first-person shooters.

Otherwise you won't like the game, or it won't suite your gameplay style. If you have played DOOM 3, then trying Quake 4 again makes much more sense. Similar to Doom 3, Quake 4 is also pretty linear in level progression, and all the enemy/AI combat and spawn encounters are purely scripted, just like Doom 3.

I'm kind of severely addicted to the FPS genre, so I can play ANY fps title released within the past 20 years or so, hehe. As an example, this one.

YOU Are Empty, which is a lesser-known title, that I'm sure many haven't even heard the name of this FPS.

And also this one: PowerSlave:

I'll probably buy Quake 4 on my 360 as I still use it and I'd imagine the graphics of that and on PC aren't drastic enough to make me wanna tinker with PC gaming lol. Good description - also enjoyed Doom 3!
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