What are your thoughts on drivers who brake and accelerate harshly?

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Mr Burns

Dec 24, 2012
Do you hate it when you are on a bus and you have a driver that sets off really fast and brake really harshly? I hate this Aggressive way of driving and think it is the worst way to drive. But there are some drivers that drive this way even though it isnt much quicker. These drivers also tend to drive quite fast at times though it is the harsh braking and acceleration that bothers me. Maybe its because im used to travelling on slow buses and trains with drivers that usually drive at a nice smooth pace, but harsh accelaration and braking just doesnt feel nice. You are jolted backwards and forwards in your seat, and it feels like youre on a rollercoaster. The worst though is when you have to stand.

Today I was on a bus at peak hour. It was running a bit late and was packed with people. When I got on I had to stand. I dont like standing on buses, you always feel youre going to fall over whenever the bus sets off or stops. But it is 10 times worse when you have a driver that brakes/accelerates harshly. He flew off from the stop and I gripped on tight then he stopped suddenly at the next stop. Then a woman said, theres a seat back there. I gladly took it. On the bus people were saying hes a racing driver, I am glad to sit down etc. When he was driving on the side streets he braked harshly just before he got to the speed bump then acclerated fast immediately after.. It really doesnt make a comfortable ride.

I think fast acceleration/braking doesnt feel as bad in a car for some reason. It just doesnt feel right in a bus, i think as theyre heavy vechicles they are designed to be driven smoothly. When I go in a taxi (I dont have a car) the taxi driver often drives quite fast compared to a bus but it feels fine wheras on a bus with the same acclelaration/braking it just doesnt feel good. Or maybe the taxi drivers I have had have not had harsh acceleration/braking but driven at a higher speed, I dont know.

Anyway in my opinion harsh braking/accleration doesnt feel nice, I much prefer a smooth ride. Wondering what other peoples experiences/views are on this?
Let me correct you since you are under certain misconceptions. I don't do 150mph,never said I did. My car is electronically governed to 130mph, its a speed I set when I tuned the computer. It was set at that speed specifically because that's the speed rating of my tires. As I said, I know my cars limits, I don't drive beyond them, that's foolish. I also don't speed like that in traffic, that's also foolish. At 4am on an open highway in the middle of nowhere with not another car in sight is another story.

You are extremely misguided if you think that doing any speed limit, be it 30mph or 70mph makes it safe. It would make absolutely no difference if I was doin the limit (which funnily I was) or was speeding, if that man had pulled out a fraction of a second earlier, I'd have slammed the brakes and hit him in the back tire instead. Some accidents are avoidable, some are not. It's the responsibility of the drivers to minimize chances of loss of life or limb after the point of no return, not before it. Speeding doesn't cause accidents, stupidity and ignorance does.

It makes no difference if you drive 10mph under the limit, or 10mph over the limit, you run a red light you can cause an accident..

There is an interstate highway 3 mins from my house. For most of this highway the limit is 70mph. About 20 miles north of here it suddenly drops to 55mph for almost 2 miles before returning to 70mph, for exactly no reason whatsoever. It's the same road, same lanes, its between exits, serves exactly no function like going through a town, nothing. To anyone else other than a police officer with a radar gun. It's not any safer doing 55mph through there than doing 70mph before and after. It's purely a money making speed trap. In fact, it's more of a hazard than anything to drive 55mph there as rushing traffic is determined to stay at 70-80mph. Doing 55mph endangers everyone. It's much safer to go with the flow of traffic, than succumb to stupidity and follow the limit that the county placed there simply to make money.

Hate to burst your bubble, because you seem like a decent, caring person, but the reality is that if an accident is going to happen, its going to happen. Speeding doesn't make this more or less likely, it only changes the results, not the chances. Same as wearing a seat belt. Imagine if your town changed residential limits from 40kph to 20kph on your street. You've been doing 40kph for years. Is doing 40kph tomorrow all of a sudden deathly dangerous simply because someone decided to post a 20kph sign? Conversely, what if they raised it to 60kph? Does that suddenly make it safer to do 40kph because you are now driving 20kph under the limit? It's the same street it was yesterday. A posted limit means exactly nothing. You drive according to your own sense of self,your conscience, your ability and the area around you. Driving 40kph on that same road that is suddenly now 20kph doesn't make it any more likely you'll cause an accident, it doesn't make it more dangerous than it was yesterday. It just means that some fool with a radar gun can cost you some money.

Swear I saw you say 150. But yeah, it is safe to speed with no one else on the road. I thought you were one of those guys speeding through tight traffic
No way lol. Like I said earlier, there is a difference between aggressive and stupid. Some ppl play, some play hard. Some drive, some drive hard. I'm way to old and experienced to be one of those young, indestructible, egotistical morons who drive hard and stupid.