I have a GA-F2A68HM-S1 motherboard and im planning on buying a gtx1060, what case should I get that is for gaming and has airfloe and wont over heat
Hmmm pretty tough question and i dont want to get this wrong and have your PC blow up on my account lol. My PC has similar specs to yours and I currently use Antec Cube Mini ITX case. Not once has it ever overheated so I think you should probably get the same just to be on the safe side. I don't know your budget so I couldn't answer as accurately as i would've liked!
If you want something compact
In Win 301 (does not include fans, they need to be bought separately) https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811108530
Fans Arctic F12 5 pack. Excellent quality value fans. Case will have stellar air flow.