What components do I need for my ps3?


Jun 6, 2010
I currently have a U3011 and a logitech Z5500 sound system. I have always wanted to try playing my ps3 on these two systems but never knew exactly what I need first in order to make it happen.

As of right now, my sound system is connected to my tower via (6ch Direct) colored green, black, and orange).

So what items do I need to buy?

Thank you.
a ps3 can only output at a maximum resolution of 1920x1080. your u3011 has a resolution of 2560x1600. this leaves two possibilities.

-the monitor displays the 1080p content but scales it up to fit the screen. you will have black bars top and bottom due to the difference in 16:9 vs 16:10 ratio.
-the monitor displays "no signal" because of an unsupported resolution.

as to which, it depends on what your monitor is capable of.


as for sound, does your z5500 support optical input? if so you could direct hookup from ps3 to z5500.


Jun 6, 2010

Playing with blackbars is fine with me. I believe my U3011 supports HDMI. It says on the dell website that it has 2 HDMI 1.3 ports.

^ feature section: first row, 3rd column.

Can an HDMI 1.4 work? Or do I need a 1.3 like the link says?

Also, if I'm planning on using my U3011 monitor for both my computer tower and as well as my PS3, then how do I switch between the modes? Is it going to be from the monitor setting?

Yes, the Z5500 has the optical inputs. Right now my tower is connected 6 Ch Direct ( I don't have an optical link atm). If I connect my Z5500 with the optical link to the ps3, I can just easily switch sounds from my tower to my ps3 with the z5500 sound setting box.

Sound setting box as in: http://www.pcdistrict.com/modules/productcatalog/product_images/126358-logitech-z-5500-digital-5-1-speaker-system-903.jpg

Thanks once again