Question What connector do I need to power the RTX 3070?


Feb 4, 2016
Hey! I've just purchased a 3070, was lucky to get one! And now i'm looking at my psu cables (AX1200I) and I have a cable which goes into two x 6x2 pcie. Can I use this cable for the 3070, or should I find another cable, and use two separate cables for 6 ports into the gpu each. Thanks a lot!
Yes can use 8pin to 2x 6+2pin plugs. Your psu is designed and perfectly fine to be used this way. My Hx750i also has same cable layouts and have powered a 1080Ti the same way for a couple of years now.

Should I just use the one cable, or two? It's for the 3070, so one cable would fill all pins on the gpu. Thank you

Yes, you use that cable and you can use one of them rather than both (assuming this isn't an FE card and the 3070 you have has two sockets)

It is the NVIDIA 3070 FE edition, is there a difference? Thank you
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