OK, so I just got this old computer for free that I need to use for something, and stupidly, I took the CPU out before booting. It definitely worked before, and I just wanted a look at the CPU, but its a really weird design where the CPU comes off with the heat sink and isn't clamped to the motherboard. I put it back and plugged everything back in ant tried to turn it on. The power supply has a fan that goes when the switch on it is turned on and supplies power, because the optical drive works. There was no display, but the CPU heat sink got really hot and I realized I hadn't plugged the fan in. The fan is really small and the case has virtually no airflow, so I cant see that this would fry the processor, but after turning the power supply on and off a few times, the on button doesn't do anything and it doesn't display on screen, but does make computery kind of noises when I turn on the power supply. The computer has a Intel celeron 1.8 GHz, I have no idea what socket but its really old and the computer is an e machines something. The hard drive also vibrates when I turn the power supply on, without pressing the on button which tells me that something is working.
Is there any way I can fix it?
Thanks in advance
Is there any way I can fix it?
Thanks in advance