What Could the Issue Be?


Mar 10, 2014
Below is a short video of whats going on with my computer, its not much, but hope it helps. It just freezes with this screen in the video or it just shuts off, both times it restarts after about 30 secs. My temps are fine.

Specs below

FX-8350 with EVO 212 Cooler
16gb G-Skill Sniper DDR3
Asus 990fx R 2.0 MOBO
MSi GTX 970 OC Edition
Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit
2-1 TB Black hard drives
Dual Screen Set up



Ok updated with specs, mostly happens when gaming, but does on occasion happen when browsing, started happening about 2 weeks ago. Below is a better picture of screen.

Is that two or one stick of RAM? If it's two, detach one of them and test to see if the error occurs, then test the other stick. Check if it happens when one of them is plugged.

Do you have a spare(or a friend's) GPU/PSU to test too? Unplug them and put the new one and see if happens again.

If switching those parts isn't a option, i'd try reinstalling Windows.

its 4 sticks of ram, and i have already tried with only 2 sticks, and it still did it a week later, I have no extra equipment to try and I have reinstalled windows 3 times and it still does this randomly.
Try one at a time.

I suspect there's not much a can say, instead of trying to pin-point the problem by changing pieces one by one until the problem is no longer present...

Could you try and monitor the CPU/GPU usage and temps just before the problem occurs?