what cpu do i need?


Mar 29, 2013
I have ordered 2 titan x's and have a i7 3770k cpu @3.50Hz. Is this going to hold the gpu's back a lot? And if so, what cpu's do you recommend?
I would get a Intel i7-4790k it's much better than the cpu you have now and would work well with 2 Titan X's. The Intel i7-4790k is about £250 but is what most gamers use. If you don't have the money, just stick with the cpu you have now and overclock it to about 4.4Ghz. It will work just fine with the 2 Titan X's and you don't need to upgrade or overclock, but if you want more performance either upgrade or overclock.
Don't upgrade your i7-3770, it's plenty good for your two titans. Even if you upgraded to the i7-4790k, you wouldn't notice a difference - they are too close in performance - totally not worth the cost of upgrading motherboard and cpu.