Question What CPU should I upgrade to?

May 6, 2024
What CPU should I upgrade to? CPU I have right now is E6750 with E6600 STOCK COOLER. My mobo is P35-DS3 rev 2.1 Gigabyte. Give me suggestions for a great cooler for the CPU too, budget reliable 50-60 euros. CPU I could try buying on AliExpress. Thanks!
a QX9770 is the best CPU you can put in there according to your motherboard support page LINK you will need to make sure you are on BIOS F14 or newer for it.

As for cooler it a little harder, the LGA 775 mounting holes are 72mm square while the 1155 socket is 75mm square. Looking at your board there is nothing around the mounting holes so you could gently file the holes bigger to fit the socket 115x hardware for better coolers.

Depending on your case you might be able to fit a Dark Freezer x94 cooler
Croatia, used for daily use/mini retro gaming!
Got it, i asked if it was for daily use because for 50 or 60 euros you can sometimes find some decent used office PC's with a Haswell or Skylake based CPU's , im not sure if its the same in the area you are in though. But a haswell based core i5 with 8gb of ram would be quite a nice upgrade from the core 2 duo you are currently using. Otherwise, a core 2 quad Q9650 is like 20 euros.
May 6, 2024
Got it, i asked if it was for daily use because for 50 or 60 euros you can sometimes find some decent used office PC's with a Haswell or Skylake based CPU's , im not sure if its the same in the area you are in though. But a haswell based core i5 with 8gb of ram would be quite a nice upgrade from the core 2 duo you are currently using. Otherwise, a core 2 quad Q9650 is like 20 euros.
Yes. On AliExpress it is something like that when prices change (depends lucky days) but I need a cooler for it!
May 6, 2024
You want something with a Q in the front of it for a quad core. Anything with an E in the front is a dual core and your only spending money to get a faster clock speed.
Thanks. I am planning on some Quad core, but I don't know. Just one that I can run Windows 8.1 on very well (this one know runs okay but i want a little bit better)
May 6, 2024
Got it, this cpu is currently around 20 euros, as for cooling it, its honestly not a very hot chip, so a tower cooler with 2 heat pipes should work fine. Or a relatively decent horizontal cooler.


Could I maybe go for the Q9450 since it is just kind of the same, and my PSU is 350 W but if its less than 350 W or close to 300 W it will still be alright correct me if i am wrong?
Could I maybe go for the Q9450 since it is just kind of the same, and my PSU is 350 W but if its less than 350 W or close to 300 W it will still be alright correct me if i am wrong?
Sure thing, you'll lose about 10% performance vs the 9650, but you could probably get that back with an OC. The problem is its locked on that 8x multiplier, so you have to push the FSB pretty hard to get a decent OC on it, if you were looking to do that. A 350W psu should be fine though provided you aren't also trying to push a very power hungry GPU. What are the full specs on the system?

May 6, 2024
Got it, this cpu is currently around 20 euros, as for cooling it, its honestly not a very hot chip, so a tower cooler with 2 heat pipes should work fine. Or a relatively decent horizontal cooler.


Will the CPU cooler be compatible for socket 775 (im not sure because in the description it doesn't say it but in the picture it does, and will it fit into my PC?)
May 6, 2024
Sure thing, you'll lose about 10% performance vs the 9650, but you could probably get that back with an OC. The problem is its locked on that 8x multiplier, so you have to push the FSB pretty hard to get a decent OC on it, if you were looking to do that. A 350W psu should be fine though provided you aren't also trying to push a very power hungry GPU. What are the full specs on the system?

Okay, specs:
GPU: GT 730
Mobo: P35-DS3 rev 2.1
Case: DELUX ATX mid Tower Case from 2007
PSU: Antec 350X 350 W
SSDs: ADATA SU650 and 870 EVO
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 250 GB
RAM: PQI CORP 400 MHZ DDR2 2x1 GB and Kingston 333 MHz DDR2 2x1 GB
DVD Drives: ASUS 1814BL and ASUS E616A
If you need more info just ask me! Also I think the cooler will fit because from the motherboard to the end of the case is 170 mm (17 cm) long
May 6, 2024
Sure thing, you'll lose about 10% performance vs the 9650, but you could probably get that back with an OC. The problem is its locked on that 8x multiplier, so you have to push the FSB pretty hard to get a decent OC on it, if you were looking to do that. A 350W psu should be fine though provided you aren't also trying to push a very power hungry GPU. What are the full specs on the system?

Hey, I am sending pictures and determine if it can fit. Edit: provide me with good thermal paste for my CPU! Please check if it is Socket 775 compatible too!
May 6, 2024
Sure thing, you'll lose about 10% performance vs the 9650, but you could probably get that back with an OC. The problem is its locked on that 8x multiplier, so you have to push the FSB pretty hard to get a decent OC on it, if you were looking to do that. A 350W psu should be fine though provided you aren't also trying to push a very power hungry GPU. What are the full specs on the system?

Also, should I take the ICE200PRO or the ICE400SE. Max I can waste is 22 euros together with the processor, cooler and thermal paste, because after 22 euros I gotta pay fees for shipping and Taxes which I don't want to because it is expensive.