while your calculatiosna re good and all , you compeltely forget to list what area, power company , and lind of power tech they use. in other words the cost you come up with is only good for people using your power company that uses what ever emans of power they can. peopel indifernt areas get charged different rates , for instance people in an area getting hydro eleitric power , (like from a dam) or nuclear fission reactor power , tend to have much lwoer bills that say some one that is using apower company that is burning fossil fuels such as coal plus keep in mind also , the cost of living in teh north east part of teh states is generally much higher than the cost of living down in missisippi or texas. piont being note very one is going to pay what you list to run thier high end graphics , still nice article though it gives us a starting point for estimating the cost in other areas (if we know where you are located that is)