what do i need to do this


Aug 26, 2002
all i want to do is play gta3 on 1024x768x32 and for it to be smooth these are the choices in cards that i have (i currently have a sparkle gf2 mx400 64mb) all prices in aus dollars

asus GeforceFX 5200 Magic 128M $119
Abit Siluro Ti4200-8X 128M (i have read alot of reviews of this card dying within a couple of weeks so if anybody has this card can you tell me your experience)
ati radeon 9200 64mb $79

i am on a very tight budget
You can get the 64 meg MSI Ti4200 AGP-8X at <A HREF="http://www.gameve.com" target="_new">http://www.gameve.com</A>

This card is really nice for the price if your are on a really tight budget.

Also, for the price of that Asus 5200 you could probably pick up a Radeon 9600 non-Pro. The 9600 non-pro is a great budget option as well. If you can afford it, it will be able to run DirectX 9 capable games in DirectX 9 mode. But the Ti4200 might be slightly faster in DirectX8 mode than the 9600 non-pro is at DirectX 9 mode.

My OS features preemptive multitasking, a fully interactive command line, & support for 640K of RAM!
Stay away from the GeforceFX 5200. It's underpowered.

The Ti4200 is an amazing card for the price, you won't be dissapointed.

But I agree that if you can afford a Radeon 9500 or 9600 non-pro, you'd be better off, because of their excellent DirectX 9 shaders.

Radeon 9500 (modded to PRO w/8 pixel pipelines)
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3529