What do I need to upgrade for 60 fps?


Nov 18, 2016
I bought a new PC last year and thought I was getting high end components for every category but I am still running into fps dips below 60 in my main game World of Warcraft. I keep drivers up to date and I've overclocked my CPU to a stable 4.0 gHz. I'm not sure what I need to upgrade to get a steady 60 fps on highest graphics. Below are the main performance related parts of my PC, let me know if any more info will help:

CPU: i7 6800K 3.4 ghz factory (overclocked to 4.0 ghz)
OS: Windows 10 x64
RAM: 16 GB
GPU: GeForce GTX 1080 1 GB VRAM
Monitor: Samsung 4k 3840x2160 resolution
I wouldn't upgrade just yet. I would try setting your view distance to 7, and put shadows on low, and disable SSAO first, to see how that does for you. Even for the highest end systems, those settings are stupidly demanding. Might not hurt to backup your wtf and cache folders to a different location, then let WoW recreate them, also.

Appreciate this response but I know it'll be demanding and am looking for what upgrade would meet that demand. I didn't buy all these high end parts to play the game at low shadows and no SSAO. Is there anything that will definitely achieve 60 FPS with all settings at 10 even if the price is $1000+? I'm down to spend the money if it will get me the performance I want, just don't want to buy something and see almost no change.
The problem is 4k. Its an insane amount of pixels to push. No single card can do it fluently with today's games, let alone next years.
Its why i, and many others, recommend 1440p as the thing to go for.

I even go further, suggesting that seeking these insane amount of pixels to push is a flawed concept for graphical fidelty. How good does a bluray movie look in 1080p?
That GPU power to push a billion pixels should be steered to power better models/lighting/textures instead of extra pixels.
In 10 years from now a game will look way better at 1080p than the best now at 4K.
Pong with a billion pixels still looks like pong.

The reason 1440p is recommended for large screen sizes like 32" is if you had a screen with less resolution (lower DPI) you could see individual pixels. at 1440p a 16:9 32" has basically same DPI as a 24" at 1080p
Even the highest end PC is going to struggle with 4k, with those settings set to ultra. Blizzard optimization, especially on view distance, and shadows, is less than perfect. I browsed the WoW forums, and those running 7700k's, with a 1080ti, even see FPS drops. Legion ultra is quite a bit more demanding than WoD ultra. 7 legion, is WoD ultra. View distance set to 7 should make a big improvement, by itself. Also if it isn't off, turn off v-sync.

Sounds like I just have to wait for better technology then? There's no way I can go back to 1080p after seeing the game at 4k. It is so noticeable on my husband's 1080p monitor.

Also, I don't know if maybe something is wrong with my monitor, but turning off vsync runs alot worse than with vsync on. The game says I'm getting 70+ fps but what I'm seeing is very choppy and stuttery. I'll continue playing at level 7 graphics until new GPUs come out I guess. Thanks for responses!